Ph.D Program News

Why I Support SC&I: Ina Brown-Woodson

Welcome to the first installment of our newest feature: Why I Support SC&I. As you know, gifts to SC&I support our students, drive research discoveries, and bring ideas to life. Interestingly, there are almost as many reasons why our donors choose to support Rutgers as there are donors, and we want to share these inspirational stories with you.

The School of Communication and Information Welcomes Ph.D. Applications for Fall 2021

The School of Communication & Information invites applications for our Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Communication, Information, and Media. The application deadline for the fall 2021 term is January 5, 2021, with late applications to be considered at a May 1, 2021 deadline. Students requesting financial aid must apply by January 5, 2021.

Ph.D. Student Luxuan Wang Awarded NCA’s Donald P. Cushman Memorial Award

Selecting Wang as the recipient of this prestigious award, The National Communication Association wrote, “Given the current political and racial tensions in our country, the selection committee found this paper timely and useful as it has heuristic value for the role that social media platforms play in the political arena among racial backgrounds.”

Qun Wang ‘20 Awarded for her Doctoral Dissertation by the AEJMC and ICA

The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication has named Wang the recipient of the Nafziger-White-Salwen Dissertation Award, and the International Communication Association Journalism Studies Division has awarded her an honorable mention for her dissertation in the 2020 Outstanding Dissertation in Journalism Studies Award.