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Lemish, D. (2011). “What’s TV good for?” Views of producers of television for children around the world. In V. Mayer (Ed.), Blackwell’s international companion to media studies: Production (pp. 535-556). New York, NY: Blackwell.
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Reprinted: Lemish, D. (2013). Von der idealfamilie bis “kinder allein zu haus”: Darstellung von familien im internationalen kinderfernsechn. In M. Götz (Ed.) Die Fernsehheld(inn)en der Mӓdchen und Jungen: Geschlechterspezifische Studien zum Kinderfernsehen (The TV hero(in)es of girls and boys: Gender specific studies on children's TV) (pp. 139-153). Munich, Germany: KoPäd (in German)
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Götz, M. & Lemish, D. (2012). Gender representations in children’s television worldwide: A comparative study of 24 countries. In M. Götz & D. Lemish (Eds.), Sexy Girls, Heroes and Funny Losers: Gender representations in children´s TV around the world (pp. 9-48). New York, NY: Peter Lang.