Research Publications

The School of Communication and Information faculty produce research that has an impact —both scholarly and societal— on local, state, national, and global levels. Our researchers are deeply committed to innovating and refining methods to best address the ever-evolving landscape, complexities, and consequences of communication, information, and media.

The school is proud to present its scholarly publications for the years listed below. These include books, edited books, book chapters, edited journal special issues, journal articles, online articles in advance of publication, published conference proceedings, reports, white papers, electronic publications, dissertations, and publicly accessible scholarship.

Articles are in print, online first, or online only. Some entries are pre-prints and have yet to be peer-reviewed. For access to full-text, logging into the RU library with a NetID may be necessary. Don’t see a citation? Check the listings from previous years. Email Craig Winston for additions or corrections. 

2024 Publications



Ruben, B. D., (2024). What leaders need to know and do: A guide to becoming a better leader. (2nd ed.). Kendall Hunt.

Simonson, M. D., Block Jr, R., Druckman, J. N., Ognyanova, K., & Lazer, D. M. J. (2024). Black networks matter: The role of interracial contact and social media in the 2020 black lives matter protests. Cambridge University Press. [Funding by NSF, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Amazon Web Services, and Peter G. Peterson Foundation.]


Aronson, M, (2024). Slap roti and the story of new york city. In T. Politano (Ed.), Reflections on the Pandemic: COVID and Social Crises in the Year Everything Changed (Article 27). Rutgers University Press.

Beal, M., Kovacs, F., & Porter, K. A. (2024). Win the job & thrive in a multigenerational workplace. Mark Beal Media, LLC. 

Friley, L. B., & Venetis, M. K. (2024). Sexual orientation and gender identity disclosure in the medical context. In I. West (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Queer Studies and Communication (pp. 295-321). Oxford University Press.

Greenberg, D. (2024). A Reckoning with names: Signs, symbols, and the meanings of history. In T. Politano (Ed.), Reflections on the Pandemic: COVID and Social Crises in the Year Everything Changed (Article 20). Rutgers University Press.

Katz, V., & Jordan, A. (2024). Connectivity, connection, and care during the covid-19 pandemic. In T. Politano (Ed.), Reflections on the Pandemic: COVID and Social Crises in the Year Everything Changed (Article 35). Rutgers University Press.

Ognyanova, K. (2024). The covid states project: Empowering a national response. In T. Politano (Ed.), Reflections on the Pandemic: COVID and Social Crises in the Year Everything Changed (Article 21). Rutgers University Press.

Pavlik, J.V. (2023). Automation, algorithms, artificial intelligence and cross-border journalism. In L. Rothenberger, M. Löffelholz, & D.H. Weaver (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Cross-Border Journalism. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Rivera, Y., Moran, M., Thrul, J., Joshu, C., & Smith, K. (2024). When engagement leads to action: Understanding the impact of cancer (mis)information among latino/a facebook users. In A. Cooke-Jackson (Ed.), Emergent Health Communication Scholarship from and about African American, Latino/a/x, and American Indian/Alaskan Native Peoples.

Senteio, C. R., & Ackerman, M. K. (2024). Count me out: Perceptions of black patients who are on dialysis but who are not on a transplant waitlist. In A. Cooke-Jackson (Ed.), Emergent Health Communication Scholarship from and about African American, Latino/a/x, and American Indian/Alaskan Native Peoples.


Alberto, I. R. I., Alberto, N. R. I., Altinel, Y., Blacker, S., Binotti, W. W., Celi, L. A., Chua, T., Fiske, A., Griffin, M., Karaca, G., Mokolo, N., Naawu, D. K. N., Patscheider, J., Petushkov, A., Quion, J. M., Senteio, C., Taisbak, S., Tırnova, İ., Tokashiki, H., Velasquez, A., … Yap, K. (2024). A scientometric analysis of fairness in health AI literature. PLOS Global Public Health4(1), e0002513.

Fu, J. S., Woo, D., Cooper, K. R., & Kwestel, M. (2024). Navigating multiple identities for organizational change: The mediating role of organizational listening. Communication Research. [Supported by RU Research Council and School of Communication and Information.]

Gigliotti, R. A., Ruben, B. D., Goldthwaite, C., & Strom, B. L. (2024). The collaborative design of a faculty administrator leadership development program in academic health: Concepts and applications. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 27(1), 85-98.

Gigliotti, R. A., & Weidner, M., et al. (2024). Assessments of working group effectiveness in the planning of the New Jersey Kids Study: An applied mixed-methods study on the science of team science. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 8(1).

Hintz, E., & Scharp, K. (2024) Theory of communicative (dis)enfranchisement: Introduction, explication, and application, Journal of Communication, 74(2), 89-100.

Jhaver, S. (2024). Exploring how fomo, social media addiction, and subjective norms influence personal moderation configurations. ArXiv,

Lane, J., Ramirez, F. A., & Patton, D. U. (2024). Defending against social media: Structural disadvantages of social media in criminal court for public defenders and defendants of low socioeconomic status. Information, Communication & Society27(1), 23–38.

Kranich, N. (2024). Guest Editorial: Reimagining the civic role of libraries: Introduction, 94(1). The Library Quarterly.

Petre, C., & Weber, N. (2024). Platform analogies: How bookstores, libraries, and supermarkets can inform thinking on social media. International Journal of Communication, 18, 21.

Ribeiro, M.H., Jhaver, S., Cluet-i-Martinell, J., Reignier-Tayar, M., & West, R. (2024). Deplatforming norm-violating influencers on social media reduces overall online attention toward them.

Shestakofsky, B., & Petre, C. (2024). Structures of capital and sociotechnical change: The case of tech startups and venture capital. International Journal of Communication18, 800-807.

Shugars, S., Quintana-Mathé, A., Lange, R., & Lazer, D. (2024). Categorizing the non-categorical: The challenges of studying gendered phenomena online. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 29(1).

Weinstein, C., & Feldman, L. (2024) Comedy for racial justice? The mediating roles of narrative mechanisms and perceived humor types on persuasive outcomes related to racially biased policing, Mass Communication and Society

Wolfe, B. H., Manusov, V., & Scharp, K. M. Building resilience in response to identity-based discrimination through in person and online communication. Communication Monographs, 1-39. [Funded by the Department of Communication at the University of Washington.] 


Avella, H. (2024). Mood, media, and mental health: a study of therapeutic mood mediating technologies. Rutgers University Community Repository.

Wang, L. (2024). Cultivating perceptions: Exploring the influence of news media on perceived polarization. Rutgers University Community Repository.


Proferes, N., Paris, B., & Acker, A. (2024). Introduction to the minitrack on critical and ethical studies of digital and social media. In T. X. Bui (Ed.), Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (pp. 2318-2319). IEEE Computer Society.




Simonson, M., Block Jr, R., Druckman, J., Ognyanova, K., & Lazer, D. (2024). Black networks matter: The role of interracial contact and social media in the 2020 black lives matter (Elements in contentious politics). Cambridge University Press.


Dalbello, M., & Wadsworth, S. (Eds.) (2024). Global voices from the women’s library at the World’s columbian exposition: Feminisms, transnationalism and the archive. Springer.


Dalbello, M., & Wadsworth, S. (2024). Global voices from the women’s library at the world’s columbian exposition: Feminisms, transnationalism and the archive. In M. Dalbello & S. Wadsworth (Eds.), Global voices from the women’s library at the world’s columbian exposition: Feminisms, transnationalism and the archive (pp. 1-18). Springer. 

Dalbello, M. (2024). Central european collections: The periphery challenging the center. In M. Dalbello & S. Wadsworth (Eds.), Global voices from the women’s library at the world’s columbian exposition: Feminisms, transnationalism and the archive (pp. 91-114). Springer. 

Dempsey, S. & Li, J. (2024). The local roots of january 6th: A mixed-methods, multi-level approach to political communication. In K. C. White, D. Kreiss, S. C. McGregor, & R. Tromble (Eds.), Media and January 6th. Oxford University Press.

Lazer, D., & Ognyanova, K. (2024). The future of computational social science. In Oxford handbook of engaged methodological pluralism in political science. Oxford University Press.

Pett, R., Scharp, K., & Fan, Y.  (2024). Communicative decisions in families. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication.

Spoerri, A., Dalbello, M., & Derucki, J. (2024). A comparative and structural analysis of european works in the woman’s building library. In M. Dalbello & S. Wadsworth (Eds.), Global voices from the women’s library at the world’s columbian exposition: Feminisms, transnationalism and the archive (pp. 21-31). Springer. 


Agarwal, A., Priyadarshi, P., Sinha, S., Gupta, S., Jangra, H., Garimella, K., & Kumaraguru, P. (2024). Television discourse decoded: Comprehensive multimodal analytics at scale. arXiv preprint.

Aronczyk, M. (2024). When corporations care: A reassessment of the debunking paradigm in environmental communication. Environmental Communication18(1-2), 132-137.

Bjørn, P., Busboom, J., Duckert, M., Bødker, S., Shklovski, I., Hoggan, E., Dunn, K., Mu, Q., Barkhuus, L., & Boulus-Rødje, N. (2024). Achieving symmetry in synchronous interaction in hybrid work is impossible. ACM transactions on computer-human interaction.

Fu, J. S., & Barbour, J. B. (2024). Contextualizing communication for digital innovation and the future of work. Journal of Communication, 74(1), 36-47.

Jaywant, A., Gunning, F. M., Oberlin, L. E., Santillana, M., Ognyanova, K., Druckman, J. N., Baum, M. A., Lazer, D., & Perlis, R. H. (2024). Cognitive symptoms of post-COVID-19 condition and daily functioning. JAMA Network Open7(2), e2356098.

Jenkins, L., Hepburn, A., Potter, J., & Macdougall, C. (2024). "Are you otherwise fit and well?": Past medical history questions in UK paediatric consultations. Patient education and counseling, 121, 108104.

Rochotte, J., Sanap, A., Silenzio, V., & Singh, V. K. (2024, pre-print). Predicting anxiety using google and youtube digital traces. Emerging Trends in Drugs, Addictions, and Health.

Stapleton, J. L., Manne, S. L., Pagoto, S. L., Leip, A., Greene, K., Hillhouse, J. J., Merritt, A. S., & Shelton, B. J. (2024). A social media-delivered melanoma prevention program for young women engaged in frequent uv tanning: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR research protocols, 13,

Nolan-Cody, H., & Scharp, K. M. (2024). (Mal)adaptive sibling self and other communicative resilience in the context of parental substance use. Journal of Communication, 74(2), 145-159.

Senger, A., Venetis, M., Greene, K., Catona, D., & Devine, K. (2024). Healthcare provider assessments of caregiver communication behaviors during gynecologic cancer treatment appointments. PEC Innovation, 4, 100259.

Shugars, S., Quintana-Mathé, A., Lange, R., & Lazer, D. (2024). Categorizing the non-categorical: The challenges of studying gendered phenomena online. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 29(1). [Funding by the Volkswagen Foundation.] 

Shugars, S. (2024). Critical computational social science. EPJ Data Science, 13(1).

Zhou, T., Neumann, S., Garimella, K., & Gionis, A. (2024). Modeling the impact of timeline algorithms on opinion dynamics using low-rank updates. arXiv preprint.


Lazer, D., Baum, M., Ognyanova, K., Perlis, R. H., Santillana, M., & Druckman, J. (2023). The COVID states project —The state of the nation: A 50-state COVID-19 survey (reports 102-113). [A joint project of Rutgers, Harvard, Northeastern, and Northwestern universities; funded by the NSF and Knight, Russell Sage, and Peter G. Peterson foundations.]


Saha, P., Garimella, K., & et al. (2024). How does fear speech spread on social media? In M. Wilson & R. Watson (Eds.), Social Science Journal for Teens.



White, K. C., Kreiss, D., McGrego, S. C., & Tromble, R. (Eds.). (2024). Media and january 6th. Oxford University Press. 


Gay, R. (2024). The politics of respectability. In J. Edwards (advisory ed.), Black in America (2nd ed.). Broadview Press.

White, K. C., Kreiss, D., McGregor, S. C., & Tromble, R. (2024). Understanding media's role in january 6th, 2021. In K. C. White, D. Kreiss, S. C. McGregor, & R. Tromble (Eds.), Media and January 6th. Oxford University Press. 

White, K. C. (2024). Remembering january 6th: An Insurrection, the media, and the shadow of the tea party. In K. C. White, D. Kreiss, S. C. McGregor, & R. Tromble (Eds.), Media and January 6th. Oxford University Press. 

Kreiss, D., McGregor, S. C., Tromble, R., & White., K. C. (2024). Epilogue. In K. C. White, D. Kreiss, S. C. McGregor, & R. Tromble (Eds.), Media and January 6th. Oxford University Press.


Broadbridge, E., Venetis, M. K., Devine, K. A., Lee, L. E., Banerjee, S. C., & Greene, K. (2024). Supporting the support person: Oncologists' roles in reducing support people's uncertainty and facilitating psychological adjustment. Psycho-oncology, 33(3).

Garimella, K., & Chauchard, S. (2024). WhatsApp explorer: A data donation tool to facilitate research on whatsapp (No. k6qv5). Center for Open Science.

Garimella, K., & Datta, A. (2024). Unraveling the dynamics of television debates and social media engagement: insights from an indian news show.

Greene, K., & Hecht, M. L. (2024). Essay: Engagement with adolescent substance prevention messages: Impact and dissemination of REAL media. Health Communication.

Kumar, D. (2024). Communication and race: The paucity of research on anti-Muslim racism. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 21(1), 51-58.

Lee, J. Y., Ahn, E., Ammari, T., Xu, A., Chang, Y., & Cha, H. (2024). Leveraging artificial intelligence as a tool for rendering family-centered services: A scoping review. OSF Preprints.

Ognyanova, K. (2024). Fact-Checking: Journalistic strategies and audience outcomes in diverse national contexts. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.

Rochotte, J., Sanap, A., Silenzio, V., & Singh, V. K. (2024, pre-print). Predicting anxiety using google and youtube digital traces. Emerging Trends in Drugs, Addictions, and Health.

Rochotte, J., Sanap, A., Silenzio, V., & Singh, V. K. (2024). Predicting anxiety using google and youtube digital traces. Emerging Trends in Drugs, Addictions, and Health, 4, 100145. [Partially funded by the Rutgers Center for COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness.]

Stapleton, J. L., Manne, S. L., Pagoto, S. L., Leip, A., Greene, K., Hillhouse, J. J., Merritt, A. S., & Shelton, B. J. (2024). A social media-delivered melanoma prevention program for young women engaged in frequent UV tanning: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 13, e56562.

Wang, L., & Feldman, L. (2024). Source matters? Exploring the effects of source congeniality on corrections of false information on twitter. The International Journal of Press/Politics.


Ilyas, F., Ahmed, E., Ali, H., Ilyas, M., Sarfraz, S., Khalid, M., Khalaf, M., & Mudireddy, P. R. (2024). Temporal trends in colorectal cancer mortality rates (1999-2022) in the United States. Cancer reports 7(3), e2012.



Pavlik, J.V. (Ed.). (2024). Milestones in Digital Journalism. Routledge.


Hepburn, A., & Potter, J. (2024). Understanding mixed emotions in organized helping through emotionography. In C. Scarvaglieri, P. Muntigl, & E.-M. Graf (Eds.), Innovative studies in organized helping: Transforming relations, emotions ... Frontiers in Psychology.

Hull, S. J., Hollander, G., Davis, C. R., Tuguinay, J. A., Nguyen, M. (2024). Acceptance Journeys: Reducing antigay stigma and hiv risks. In S. Deshpande & M. Nguyen (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Social Marketing. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Pavlik, J.V. (2024). Introduction. In J.V. Pavlik (Ed.), Milestones in Digital Journalism. Routledge.


Ammari, T., Ahn, E., Lakhankar, A., & Lee, J. (2024). Finding understanding and support: Navigating online communities to share and connect at the intersection of abuse and foster care experiences. arXiv preprint. 

Estlein, R., Theiss, J., Jones, H., Yoon, D., & Weber, K. (2024). Facilitation and interference from partners during the transition to parenthood: A Co-Occurrence analysis of themes emerging over time within and between romantic partners. Journal of Family Communication, 24, 119-136.

Jenkins, L., Hepburn, A., Potter, J. & Macdougall, C. (2024). “Are you otherwise fit and well?”: Past medical history questions in UK paediatric consultations, 121. Patient Education and Counseling.

Mikesell, L., O'Malley, D. M., Kurtzman, R. T., Howard, J., Bates, B., Hemler, J. R., Fadem, S. J., Ferrante, J. M., Bator, A., Hudson, S. V., & Crabtree, B. F. (2024). Identifying priority areas to support primary care engagement in breast cancer survivorship care: A Delphi study. Cancer Medicine, 13(9), e7219. 

Pavlik, J., & Pavlik, O. (2024). Art education and generative ai: An exploratory study in constructivist learning and visualization automation for the classroom. Creative Education15, 601-616.



Aronson, M., Freedman, P., Opie, F. D., Palacios, A., Willis, T., & Zheng, D., Chambers, T.D. (Illustrator). (2024). Bite by bite: American history through feasts, foods, and side dishes. Simon & Schuster.

Miller, K. I., Barbour. J. B., & Woo, D. (2024). Organizational communication: Processes and approaches (8th ed.). Cengage.


Dalbello, M. (2024). Inside the Drawers of the Ellis Island Immigration Station. In J. Brown, A. Jamieson, & N. Segal (Eds.), The Cultural Construction of Hidden Spaces: Essays on Pockets, Pouches and Secret Drawers (Volume 40 of Spatial Practices). Brill. 

Dalbello, M. (2024). Inside the Drawers of the Ellis Island Immigration Station. In J. Brown, A. Jamieson, & N. Segal (Eds.), Spatial Practices (Vol. 40, pp. 183-196): Brill Academic Publishers.

Park, S. H., & Hepburn, A. (2024). The benefits of a jeffersonian transcript. In M. Komter, H. Fraser, E. Richardson, F. Deamer, K. Haworth, & D. Loakes (Eds.), Capturing talk: The Institutional Practices Surrounding the Transcription of Spoken Language. Frontiers Research Topics.

Radford, M. L. (2024). Stereotypes and subtle slights: Exploring microgressive behavior as a barrier to inclusive library services. In A. Kurylo & Y. Hu. (Eds.), Communicated Stereotypes at Work. Lexington Books. 


Bratich, J. Z. (2024). Patriarchal pacts in the neo-archaic manosphere: Warband brotherhoods as fascist masculinity. Journal of Gender Studies

Baum, M. A., Druckman, J. N., Ognyanova, K., & Schulman, J. (2024). Misperceptions, depression, and voting for election deniers in the united states. International journal of public opinion research, 36(2), Article edae024. 

Le Quéré, M. A., Schroeder, H., Randazzo, C., Gao, J., Epstein, Z., Perrault, S., Mimno, D., Barkhuus, L., & Li, H. (2024). LLMs as research tools: Applications and evaluations in hci data work.

Bolden, G. B. (2024). Correcting others in other-initiated other-repair sequences. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 57(2), 193-214. 

Gigliotti, R.A. (2024), Leadership generativity and the social, emotional, and pragmatic pivot from crisis to post-crisis. Journal of Leadership Studies

Kumar, D. (2024). Saracens, moors, and Islam: Was there a Muslim race in medieval europe? Race and Class, 66(2), 21-42.

Hemler, J. R., Crabtree, B. F., O’Malley, D., Howard, J., Mikesell, L., Kurtzman, R., Bates, B., & Hudson, S. V. (2024). Recent Innovations in primary care cancer survivorship roles. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 37(3), 399. [Funded by the National Cancer Institute.]

Jordan, A., & Natarajan, N. (2024). From TV to social media to “ambient” AI: Insights from 30 years of children’s media policy in the United States. Journal of children and media.

Kim, M., & Doerfel, M. L. (2024). Engaged interorganizational networks and resilience in the humanitarian sector. Journal of Communication, jqae018.

Kumar, D. (2024). Saracens, moors and islam: Was there a muslim race in medieval europe? Race & Class

Santillana, M., Uslu, A., Urmi, T., Quintana, A., Druckman, J., Ognyanova, K., Baum, M., Perlis, R., & Lazer, D. (2024). Survey data yields improved estimates of test-confirmed COVID-19 cases when rapid at-home tests were massively distributed in the United States. (Pre-print) [Funded by NIH and NSF.]

Shin, C., & Fu, S. (2024). Looking back, moving forward: A systematic review of entrepreneurship studies in communication research. International Journal of Business Communication.

Venetis, M. K., Bontempo, A. C., Catona, D., Buckley de Meritens, A., Devine, K. A., & Greene, K. (2024). Dilemmas and strategy when companion participation during appointments differs from patient and companion expectations. Health Communication39(5), 876–887.

Yanovitzky, I., Stahlman, G., Quow, J., Ackerman, M., Perry, Y., & Kim, M. (2024). National public health dashboards: Protocol for a scoping review [review]. JMIR Research Protocols, 13, Article e52843. [Funding by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.]

Zack J.L., Hull, S.J., Coleman, M.E., et al. (2024). Age-related factors associated with intention to initiate pre-exposure prophylaxis among cisgender women in Washington D.C. Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease. [Funding by Gilead Sciences and NIH.]


Almuzaini, A. A., Pennock, D. M., & Singh, V. K. (2024). Accuracy and fairness for web-based content analysis under temporal shifts and delayed labeling. Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference.

Garimella, K., & Datta, A. (2024). Unraveling the dynamics of television debates and social media engagement: Insights from an indian news show. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media18(1), 435-447.

Jhaver, S., Rathi, H., & Saha, K. (2024). Bystanders of Online Moderation: Examining the Effects of Witnessing Post-Removal Explanations. Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 

Joshi, S., Ha, E., Rivera, Y., & Singh, V. K. (2024). ChatGPT and vaccine hesitancy: A comparison of english, spanish, and french responses using a validated scale. AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2024, 266–275.

Le Quéré, M. A. L., Schroeder, H., Randazzo, C., Gao, J., Epstein, Z., Perrault, S. T., Mimno, D., Barkhuus, L., & Li, H. (2024). LLMs as Research Tools: Applications and Evaluations in HCI Data Work. Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Extended Abstracts).

Rode, J. A., Barkhuus, L., & Ioannou, A. (2024). Exploring Gender, Computational Making and E-Textiles using the BBC Micro:bitProceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Extended Abstracts).


Bejarano, W. (2024). Use of research and non-research inputs in policy deliberation: A longitudinal case study of communication in state policymaking regarding adolescent depression screening. Rutgers University Community Repository.

Jones, H. (2024). Communal coping and relational turbulence between emerging adult children and their surviving parent after the experience of parental/partner death. Rutgers University Community Repository.

Ru, X. (2024). Through the lens of network mechanisms: multilevel interorganizational communication for adolescent mental health in the social media era. Rutgers University Community Repository.

Sathyanarayana, S.K. (2024). Understanding the role of VR first-person perspective in climate change knowledge outcomes and pro-climate social actions. Rutgers University Community Repository.

Walters, A. (2024). Child, nation, and emotion: Analyzing children as rhetorical tools in political campaigns. Rutgers University Community Repository.


Lazer, D., Qu, H., Baum, M., Ognyanova, K., Uslu, A., Bernt, S., Druckman, J., Perlis, R., & Santillana, M. (2024). Report #104: Approval ratings of trump and biden's presidencies, The Civic Health and Institutions Project. [A joint initiative of Northeastern, Harvard, and Rutgers universities, and the University of Rochester. Supported by the NSF, Knight, Russell Sage, and Peter G. Peterson foundations along with Amazon.]




Weintraub, D. S., Gigliotti, R. A., Glascock, T., Dyer, G., & Mena, S. B. (2024). Relationship between student involvement, leadership, and belonging before and during the pandemic: points of comparison and differentiation. In L. Purpuri & S. Gray (Eds.), Challenges and Transitions in Education in Times of Crisis (pp. 228-257). IGI Global.


Aronczyk, M., McCurdy, P., & Russill, C. (2024). Greenwashing, net-zero, and the oil sands in Canada: The case of pathways alliance. energy research & social science, 112, 103502. [Funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.]

Garimella, K., & Chauchard, S. (2024). Is AI misinformation influencing elections in India? Nature630(8015), 32-34.

Garimella, K., Nayak, B., Chauchard, S., & Vashistha, A. (2024). Deciphering viral trends in WhatsApp: A case study from a village in rural india.

Kim, Y., Finn, M., Acker, A., Chaudhuri, B., Wedlake, S., Ellis, R., & Srinivasan, J. (2024). Epistemologies of missing data: COVID dashboard builders and the production and maintenance of marginalized COVID data. Big Data & Society, 11(2). [Funding by the NSF, Sloan, Mozilla, Ford, Open Society foundations, and Omidyar Network,]

Matsaganis, M., Petraki, M., & Karanatsiou, V. (2024). Providing health care and social support during economic crises: Lessons learned from "solidarity outpatient clinics" in Greece during the great recession. Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

Woo, D., & Acosta, R. (2024). Getting socialized but trying not to get stuck: Early career professionals’ liminality in dual socialization processes. Human Communication Research. [Funded by  College of Communication and Information at the University of Tennessee and the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University.]


Aronczyk, M., McCurdy, P., & Russill, C. (2024). Greenwashing, net-zero, and the oil sands in Canada: The case of Pathways Alliance. Energy Research & Social Science, 112. [Supported in part by the Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Ivey Foundation.]




Broadbridge, E., & Venetis, M. (2024). Examining the role of pre‐visit anxiety on patient uncertainty and breast cancer patient–provider communication. Cancer Medicine, 13.

Chewning, L., Doerfel, M., Ballard, D., & Harrison, T. (2024). From crisis response to high resilience organizing. In V.D. Miller & M.S. Poole (Eds.), Handbooks of communication science: Organizational communication theory and research. De Gruyter Mouton.

Fu, S., & Wang, R. (2024). Multiple pathways to organizational legitimacy: Information visibility, organizational listening, and cross-sector partnerships. Public Relations Review, 50, 102484.

Couto, J., & Garimella, K.V. (2024). Examining (Political) Content Consumption on Facebook Through Data Donation.

Heinert, S., Guzman-Baez, K., Aamir, A., Penugonda, A., Crabtree, B., Greene, K., Heckman, C., Levy, P., Strickland, P., & Hudson, S. (2024). Developing a youth-led digital hypertension education intervention for adults with hypertension: Qualitative study on refinement and acceptability. JMIR Formative Research, 8, e54909.

Kirasur, N., & Jhaver, S. (2024). Understanding the resilience of caste: A critical discourse analysis of community profiles on X.

Lawrence, E. E., & Sharpe, V. (2024). Readers' advisory vs reference: A difference of stance. Journal of Documentation.

Manata, B., & Fu, S. (2024). Quantitative methods in organizational communication. In V.D. Miller & M.S. Poole (Eds.), Handbooks of communication science: Organizational communication theory and research. De Gruyter Mouton.

Nolan-Cody, H., Phillips, K. E., & Scharp, K. M. (2024). Thematic analysis and thematic co-occurrence analysis: Teaching students to conduct qualitative research with depth. Communication Teacher.

Perlis, R. H., Ognyanova, K., Uslu, A., Lunz Trujillo, K., Santillana, M., Druckman, J. N., Baum, M. A., & Lazer, D. (2024). Trust in physicians and hospitals during the covid-19 pandemic in a 50-state survey of US adults. JAMA Network Open7(7), e2424984. [Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, NSF, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Peter G. Peterson Foundation, Harvard University, Northeastern University, Northwestern University, and Rutgers University.

Weber, M. S. (2024). Systems theory and ecosystems of organizational communication. In V.D. Miller & M.S. Poole (Eds.), Handbooks of communication science: Organizational communication theory and research. De Gruyter Mouton.


Hale, S. A., Garimella, K., & Dori-Hacohen, S. (2024). Misinformation mitigation praxis: Lessons learned and future directions from co-insights. Proceedings of the International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (pp. 2852-2854).


Chewning, L., Doerfel, M., Ballard, D., & Harrison, T. (2024). Chapter 30 From crisis response to high resilience organizing. In V.D. Miller & M. S. Poole (Eds.), Organizational Communication Theory and Research, pp. 605-624. De Gruyter Mouton.

Weintraub, D. S., Gigliotti, R. A., Glascock, T., Dyer, G., & Mena, S. B. (2024). Relationship between student involvement, leadership, and belonging before and during the pandemic: Points of comparison and differentiation. In L. Purpuri & S. Gray (Eds.), Challenges and Transitions in Education in Times of Crisis (pp. 228-257). IGI Global.



Bleakley, A., & Hull, S. (2024). Theory of reasoned action, theory of planned behavior, integrative behavioral model, and reasoned action approach. In K. Glanz, B. K. Rimer, & K. Viswanath (Eds.), Health Behavior: Theory, Research, and Practice (6th ed.) (pp. 56-72). John Wiley & Sons.


Druckman, J., Ognyanova, K., Safarpour, A., Schulman, J., Trujillo, K. L., Uslu, A. A., Green, J., Baum, M., Mathé, A. Q., Qu, H., Perlis, R., & Lazer, D. (2024). Representation in science and trust in scientists in the United States. Nature Portfolio (under review). [Funded by NSF, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Amazon Web Services, and Peter G. Peterson Foundation.]

Fu, J. S., & Yan, S. (2024). How do new forms of organizations manage institutional voids? Social enterprises’ quest for sociopolitical legitimacy. Business & Society.

Gigliotti, R.A., Arends, R. & Waran, V. (2024). Advancing graduate leadership education for institutional alignment. Journal of Leadership Studies, 18, 52-58.

Kohler, R. E., Wagner, R. B., Vega, J., Rivera, Y. M., Kantor, L., & Greene, K. (2024). HPV vaccination information access, needs, and preferences among black and hispanic mothers. [Funded by the National Cancer Institute.] Journal of Health Communication29(9), 566–579.

Hemler, J., Crabtree, B., O'Malley, D., Howard, J., Mikesell, L., Kurtzman, R., Bates, B., & Hudson, S. (2024). Recent innovations in primary care cancer survivorship roles. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 37, 399-408.

Kurtzman, R., Mikesell, L., & Crabtree, B. (2024). Evaluation of nci-designated cancer center and comprehensive cancer center survivorship-focused websites: information provided and accessibility. [Funded by the National Cancer Institute.]  Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. [

Ognyanova, K., Druckman, J., Schulman, J., Baum, M., Perlis, R., & Lazer, D. (2024). Social media spread conspiracy theories after Trump assassination attempt but believing them was linked to interpersonal discussions.

Perlis, R. H., Uslu, A., Schulman, J., Himelfarb, A., Gunning, F. M., Solomonov, N., Santillana, M., Baum, M. A., Druckman, J. N., Ognyanova, K., & Lazer, D. (2024). Prevalence and correlates of irritability among U.S. adults. Neuropsychopharmacology. [Funded in part by the NSF and NIH.]


Agarwal, A., Priyadarshi, P., Sinha, S., Gupta, S., Jangra, H., Kumaraguru, P., & Garimella, K. (2024). Television discourse decoded: Comprehensive multimodal analytics at scale. Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. (pp. 4752-4763).



Pavlik, J. V. (2024). Professional competencies for journalism in the fourth industrial revolution. In J. Sixto-García, A. Quian, A.-I. Rodríguez-Vázquez, A. Silva-Rodríguez, & X. Soengas-Pérez (Eds.), Journalism, Digital Media and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (pp. 257-269). Springer Nature.


Ahmed, E., & Ahmed, S. (2024). Social media addiction, personality traits, and disorders: An overview of recent literature. Current Opinion In Psychiatry,

Boyles, J. L., Weber, M. S., & Borges-Rey, E. (2024). Introduction: In code we trust? Assessing code’s role as a mediator of power and ethics within journalistic practice, 914-925.  Digital Journalism.

Girginova, K., Han, W., Jaber, H., Kim, J., Madenga, F., Morales-Suárez, M., Celeste Wagner, M., & Wang, J. (2024). Global communication as a standpoint: A critical engagement with research, pedagogy, and the profession through a global communication lens. Media, Culture & Society.

Heinert, S., Salvatore, R., Thompson, K., Krishna, D., Pena, K., Ohman-Strickland, P., Greene, K., Heckman, C., Crabtree, B., Levy, P., & Hudson, S. (2024). Comparing emergency department versus high school-based recruitment for a hypertension research study with adult–youth dyads. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 8.

Kumar, D. (2024). The neoliberal origins of contemporary anti-Muslim racism. Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Lee, J. Y., Ahn, E., Xu, A., Yang, Y., Chang, Y., Cha, H., & Ammari, T. (2024). Artificial intelligence in applied family research involving families with young children: A scoping review. Family Relations.

Niu, Z., Rivera, Y. M., Lozada, C., Hudson, S. V., Penedo, F. J., Manne, S. L., & Heckman, C. J. (2024). Designing a Culturally Relevant Digital Skin Cancer Prevention Intervention for Hispanic Individuals: Qualitative Exploration. JMIR Formative Research8, e56939. [Funded by National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research, and National Cancer Institute.]

Ognyanova, K., Rawlings, C. M., Smith, J. A., Moody, J., & McFarland, D. (2024). Network analysis: Integrating social network theory, method, and application with R. Journal of Social Structure, 25(1), 22-24.

Park, J.K., Ellezhuthil, R.D., Wisniewski, P., & Singh, V. (2024). Collaborative human-AI risk annotation: Co-Annotating online incivility with CHAIRA.  arXiv:2409.14223v1

Park, J. K., Singh, V., & Wisniewski, P. (2024). Current trends and future directions for sexual health conversational agents (CAs) for youth: A scoping review. 

Perlis, R., Uslu, A., Barroilhet, S., Vohringer, P., Santillana, M., Baum, M., Druckman, J., Ognyanova, K., & Lazer, D. (2024). Conspiratorial thinking in a 50-state survey of American adults. [Supported by NIH, NSF, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Peter G. Peterson Foundation, and Harvard, Northeastern, and Rutgers universities.

Santillana, M., Uslu, A. A., Urmi, T., Quintana-Mathe, A., Druckman, J. N., Ognyanova, K., Baum, M., Perlis, R. H., & Lazer, D. (2024). Tracking COVID-19 infections using survey data on rapid at-home tests. JAMA Network Open7(9), e2435442. [Funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, and National Institute of General Medical Sciences.]

Shim, Y., & Jhaver, S. (2024). Incorporating procedural fairness in flag submissions on social media platforms. Computer Science.

Weber, M. S., & Borges-Rey, E. (2024). Re-opening the Black Box of Code in the Era of Digital Technology. Digital Journalism12(7), 1068-1076.

Zhaomeng, N., Dhami, K., Rivera, Y., Peters, E., Baskar, J., Lozada, C., & Heckman, C. (2024). Abstract B038: Developing and refining a digital skin cancer intervention among Hispanics. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 33(9_Supplement), B038-B038.



Bratich, J. Z. (2024). Microfascismo: Gender, guerra e morte. Lit Edizioni. [Epub, Italian, originally published in English as On Microfascism, Gender, War, and Death, 2022.]

Greenberg, D. (2024). John Lewis: A Life. Simon & Schuster.

Scharp, K. M., Dorrance Hall, E. (2024). How to Conduct Communication Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods. Cognella Academic Publishing.


Gigliotti, R. A., Weidner, M., Jansen, M., Greenberg, P., Bachmann, G., Dominguez-Bello, M. G., … Horton, D. B. (2024). Assessments of working group effectiveness in the planning of the New Jersey Kids Study: An applied mixed-methods study on the science of team science. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science8(1), e163.

Ha, E., Kong, H., & Jhaver, S. (2024). Examining racial stereotypes in YouTube autocomplete suggestions.

Hart, P. S., Feldman, L., Choi, S., Chinn, S., & Hiaeshutter-Rice, D. (2024). Climate change advocacy and engagement on social media. Science Communication.

Kwestel, M., Kim, M., Doerfel, M., & Randazzo, C. (2024). Formal and social structures as organizing mechanisms of disaster response: A longitudinal social network analysis. International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters.

Lazer, D., Qu, H., Baum, M., Ognyanova, K., Uslu, A., Bernt, S., … Santillana, M. (May, 2024). CHIP50 Report #104: Approval ratings of Trump and Biden's presidencies.

Lazer, D., Baum, M., Druckman, J., Uslu, A., Ognyanova, K., Perlis, R., Santillana, M., & Qu, H. (July, 2024). CHIP50 Report #105: No change: Evaluating the short-term impact of the first presidential debate on voter preferences.

Lazer, D., Nakamura, K., Perlis, R., Baum, M., Ognyanova, K., Druckman, J., Santillana, M., Uslu, A., Qu, H., & Bernt, S. (September, 2024). CHIP50 Report #106: Opioid addiction in our social networks.

Mosallaei, A., & Feldman, L. (2024). Do you see what i see? Perceptions and effects of image–text congruency in online climate change news. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.

Marchi, R. (2024). Día de los Muertos at Rockefeller Center, shopping malls and street fairs: Integration or exclusion of Latinx populations in the corporate commodification of culture? Latino Studies.

Nakamura, K., Baum, M., Lazer, D., Santillana, M., Ognyanova, K., Perlis, R., … Qu, H. (February, 2024). CHIP50 Report #102: Who has the flu? Early winter 2023-24 spread of flu and COVID-19.

Niu, Z., Rivera, Y. M., Baskar, J., et al. (2024). Barriers and facilitators to skin cancer prevention among Hispanics: A qualitative study. BMC Public Health 24, 2690. [Funded by National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities and New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research.]

Schulman, J., Baum, M., Lazer, D., Ognyanova, K., Perlis, R., Druckman, J., … Qu, H. (February, 2024). CHIP50 Report #103: How do Americans feel about Israel, Palestine, Jews, and Muslims?

Woo, D., & Acosta, R. (2024). Getting socialized but trying not to get stuck: Early career professionals’ liminality in dual socialization processes. Human Communication Research, 50(4), pp. 480-491.


Agosto, D.E., Abbas, J.M., Feng, Y., Salib, G., Cox, E.D. and Munyao, M.M. (2024), “We were beaten down”: Parents' concerns about children's digital media use. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology

Ahmed, A., & Agosto, D. (2024). Information privilege: Considerations for library and information science curriculum design. In Proceedings of the ALISE Annual Conference.

Bossallar, J., Charbonneau, D., Dali, K., Hartel, J., & Senteio, C. R. (2024). Centering care and kindness: Mentoring Ph. D. students in tumultuous times. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 61(1), 840-842.

Budd, J. M., Senteio, C., Nesset, V., & Mansourian, Y. (2024). Creative research engagement from design through application to dissemination: Maximizing the research impact through creativity. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 61(1), 725-727.

Kulkarni, O. N., Lloyd-Jones, T., Tran, M., Vincent, G., Singh, V. K., & Atrey, P. K. (2024). Where you look matters in group photos: A demo of GARGI iOS app. IEEE Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR).

Kulkarni, O. N., Mishra, A., Arora, S., Singh, V. K., & Atrey, P. K. (2024). LivePics-24: A multi-person, multi-camera, multi-settings live photos dataset. IEEE Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR).

Nelson, S., Moore, J., Cahill, M., Valenza, J., Spiering, J., Morris, R., Moore, P., Green, L., Johnston, M., Burress, R., & Kodama, C. (2024). School library media SIG session. Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference.

May, E. and Paris, B. (2024), Divide & Conquer: Critical informatics approaches to disinformation. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 61(1), 586-592.

Radford, M.L., Pavlovsky, L., O'Connor, L., & Saxton, M. (2024). Multiple truths and many roads: Leading graduate study abroad. Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference.




Gigliotti, R.A. (2024). Post-crisis leadership: Resilience, renewal, and reinvention in the aftermath of disruption. Rutgers University Press.


Barry, K., Fadem, S., Hemler, J., Howard, J., Mikesell, L., O'Malley, D., Hudson, S., & Crabtree, B. (2024). Patient advocacy group leaders’ perceptions on primary care’s role in caring for patients with a history of breast cancer. Conference of the NAPCRG: Abstracts of Completed Research.

Bleakley, A., Maloney, E. K., Hennessy, M., Hull, S., Harkins, K., Largent, E., Ashford, M., Kwang, W., Byrd, D. R., Nosheny, R., Karlawish, J., & Langbaum, J. B. (2024). Theory-Based message design for recruitment of underrepresented racial/ethnic groups into Alzheimer's-focused research registries. Health Education & Behavior.

Fadem, S., Howard, J., Crabtree, B., Hudson, S., Ferrante, J., Hemler, J., Mikesell, L., April-Sanders, A., Bator, A., & O'Malley, D. (2024). Developing actionable strategies to implement evidence-based breast cancer follow-up in primary care using codesign. The Annals of Family Medicine, 22, 6941.

Fu, J. S., & Wang, R. (2024). Multiple pathways to organizational legitimacy: Information visibility, organizational listening, and cross-sector partnerships. Public Relations Review, 50(4), 102484.

Fu, S., & Yan, S. (2024). Institutional complexity and social innovation: The case of chinese social enterprises. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.

Nguyen, A., Gupta, M., Williams, A., Mikesell, L., & Crabtree, B. (2024). Behavioral health provider perspectives on the integration of behavioral health into primary care. The Annals of Family Medicine, 22, 6568.

O'Malley, D., Fadem, S., Ferrante, J., Hudson, S., Crabtree, B., Hemler, J., Mikesell, L., & April-Sanders, A. (2024). Prioritizing actionable implementation strategies to support breast cancer follow-up in primary care. The Annals of Family Medicine, 22, 6606.

 Perrault, E., Venetis, M., & Ballinger, T. (2024). Improving communication to increase uptake of high-risk breast cancer prevention appointments: Building a better letter. PEC Innovation, 5, 100354.

Woo, D., Miller, L., & Lamsen, L. (2024). “What do you want to do?”: Expertise tension and authority negotiation in emergency nurse-physician interactions. Journal of Communication. [Partially supported by the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University.]


Ammari, T., Ahn, E., Lakhankar, A., & Lee, J. (2024). Finding understanding and support: Navigating online communities to share and connect at the intersection of abuse and foster care experiences. Proceedings of the ACM Human-Computer Interaction. (Pre-printed in April.)



Aronczyk, M., & Espinoza, M. I. (2024) Climate change and public relations firms 1. In S. Brechin & S. Lee (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Climate Change and Society (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Geeraert, F., Kurzmeier, M., Denis, L.-A., Schafer, V., Németh, M., Rockembach, M., Huc-Hepher, S., Aasman, S., Weber, M., Winters, J., & Nielsen, J. (2024). The future. In A. Ben-David, N. Brügger, & S. Aasman (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Transnational Web Archive Studies. Taylor & Francis.

Weber, M. S. (2024). Through the lens of web archives. In A. Ben-David, N. Brügger, & S. Aasman (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Transnational Web Archive Studies. Taylor & Francis.


King, A. J., Lyons, B. A., Rivera, Y. M., Kogan, M., Hernandez, L. H., Liao, Y., & Kaphingst, K. A. (2024). Accurate and inaccurate beliefs about cancer risk factors among Spanish-preferring adults in the United States. PEC Innovation, 5, 100333. [Funded by the National Cancer Institute and Huntsman Cancer Foundation.]

Kim, S., & Sivangula, P. (2024). Toward safe and confident silver drivers: Interview study investigating older adults’ driving practices. JMIR Aging.

Perlis, R. H., Uslu, A., Schulman, J., Himelfarb, A., Gunning, F. M., Solomonov, N., Santillana, M., Baum, M. A., Druckman, J. N., Ognyanova, K., & Lazer, D. (2024). Prevalence and correlates of irritability among U.S. adults. Neuropsychopharmacology, 49(13), 2052–2059. [Funding by the NIH.]

Randazzo, C., Shugars, S., Acosta, R. M., & Doerfel, M. (2024). The multilayer semantic network structure of community tensions. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 9, 1417990.

Rochotte, J., Sanap, A., Silenzio, V., & Singh, V.K. (2024). Predicting anxiety using Google and Youtube digital traces. Emerging Trends in Drugs, Addictions, and Health, 4. [Partially funded by the Rutgers Center for COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness.]

Senger, A., Venetis, M. K., Greene, K., Catona, D., & Devine, K. A. (2024). Healthcare provider assessments of caregiver communication behaviors during gynecologic cancer treatment appointments. PEC Innovation, 4, 100259.


McGowan, C., Paris, B., & Reynolds, R. (2024). Educational technology and the entrenchment of “business as usual.” Academe, 110(1), 12-17.

2025 Publications



Lemish, D. (2025). Always an academic immigrant: A collective memoir. Rutgers University Press

Previous Years' Publications