Department of Energy
M. Weber (PI), DOE, “Informing Consent-Based Siting of a Consolidated Interim Storage Facility (CISF): Examining Public Engagement Through History and Evaluation of Prior & Current Outreach Results,” budget pending, 06/01/2024-05/31/2026
M. Weber (PI), DOE, “A National Framework for Effective and Sustainable Stakeholder Engagement in Complex Environments,” budget pending, 08/01/24-07/31/2025.
M. Weber (PI), DOE, “Ecological Health & Risk,” 09/30/2006-02/28/2025, $84,130.
Department of Transportation
J. Cheng (Co-PI), DOT, Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation’s "Advanced Bridge Technology Clearinghouse," 07/01/2024-06/30/2029, $97,337.
Institute of Museum and Library Services
J. Cheng (PI), IMLS, “Storytelling Across Time: Building a Community Around Provenance,” 08/01/2024-07/31/2026, $150,000.
Library of Congress
M. Radford (PI), LOC, “Celebrating Children’s Authors and Illustrators of New Jersey,” 04/24/2024-02/15/2025, $2,415.
National Endowment for the Humanities
C. Petre (Co-PI), Digital Humanities: Dangers and Opportunities of Technology: Perspectives from the Humanities (Collaborative), “Imagining AI in organized labor: Struggles over the value of cultural work,” 06/01/2024-5/31/2026, $44,323.
National Institutes of Health
E. Broadbridge (PI), NIH, Fellowship, “Comparing post-test genetic counseling with and without pre-test counseling: The evolving landscape for optimizing cancer care,” 09/01/24-8/31/25, $38,154.
S. Hull (PI), NIH, “Informing Sisters about Topics on AIDS and Prevention (SISTA-P): Adaptation of the SISTA intervention to include PrEP information and skills building for Black women who are risk for HIV,” 09/01/2020-08/31/2025, $696,480.
S. Hull (Co-PI), “Establishing the science behind Alzheimer’s recruitment registries: Opportunities for increasing diversity and accelerating enrollment into trials,” 07/01/2022- 06/30/2025, $98,097.
L. Mikesell (Co-PI), National Cancer Institute to Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, “Adapting and implementing evidence-based breast cancer follow-up in primary care,” 07/01/2021-06/30/2026, $99,937.
National Science Foundation
K. Garimella (PI), SaTC: Collaborative Research: Core: Small, “Towards a Privacy-Preserving Framework for the Study of Misinformation on Private, Encrypted Social Networks,” 10/01/2023-09/30/2026, $231,700.
S. Jhaver (PI), Human-Centered Computing (HCC), Small: “Incorporating Procedural Fairness in Flagging Mechanisms on Social Media Sites,” 09/15/2023-05/31/2026, $581,680.
S. Kim (Co-PI), Civic Innovation Challenge (CIVIC), “Track A: Smart Kids and Cool Seniors, Phase 2,” 10/01/2023-12/32/2024, $114,672.
K. Ognyanova (PI), Accountable Institutions and Behavior (AIB), “Collaborative Research-State Health, Institutions, and Politics Survey (SHIPS),” 06/01/2023- 05/31/2025, $288,712.
M. Weber (Co-PI), Secure & Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) and Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) co-funding, “Socio-Technical Approaches for Securing Cyber-Physical Systems from False Claim Attacks,” 08/01/2023-07/31/2025, $171,417.