Undergraduate Programs

“Jersey-Strong is something that resonates with me,” said Garrison Wilson COM’19. Rutgers is an amazing institution that has a large and diverse population which enables networking with so many different people. You’re able to find your own place,” Wilson said about Rutgers.

Enhance Your Experience with a Minor

A minor in Digital Communication, Information and Media complements any Rutgers major. Earn 18 credits to complete either minor, adding communication, media or informatics perspective to your intellectual and professional toolkit.

A minor in Gender and Media complements any Rutgers major. Earn 18 credits to complete either minor, adding communication, media or informatics perspective to your intellectual and professional toolkit.  


"Taking Gender, Race and Class in the Media was absolutely life changing. I gained the tools to consume and create media more consciously and the language to critique it. Today, my entire job is about doing this."
—Kim Hoyos, 2018 JMS graduate and digital strategy coordinator for MTV

Mix a Major and a Master’s Degree

COM, JMS and ITI majors all offer dual-degree pathways that let you enroll in the Master of Communication and Media or Master of Information programs while completing your bachelor’s degree, saving time and tuition dollars.

Apply Once You’ve Started at Rutgers

SC&I admits Rutgers undergraduates who’ve earned at least 15 credits (or transfer students with 15 or more transfer credits). Applying for admission SC&I is the first step toward declaring a SC&I major—learn more about the admission process.