The last thirty years have seen a fundamental transformation in society. Characterized as a transformation from industrial to informational, this new system is marked by the increased velocity and fluidity of capital, goods, people and ideas. Facilitated by new information and communication technologies (ICT), the increased flows of both objects and ideas have led to shifting notions of identity, nation, democracy and society among others. In this class we seek to more fully understand the shifting nature of society today particularly as this new and complex world intersects with media and communication. We pay particular attention to considering the different causes for change in society, as well as the new complex human and at times computer mediated configurations. Finally, we focus on how these shifts are both impacted by and impact media and communications.
Learning Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of approaches to, and debates surrounding, globalization.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the role of technology and media on contemporary society.
- Apply these theories to everyday life, interrogating the real-life implications of globalization.
- Analyze and reason critically when discussing globalization and social change.
- Analyze and critically evaluate different theories of globalization, demonstrating independent thought.
- Analyze the complex interdependent relationship of media, technology and society.
- Evaluate complex ideas and develop a clear perspective.
- Create a thesis statement and write a reasoned analytic paper.