NTT Lecturer in Library and Information Science
- blb132@comminfo.rutgers.edu
Brenda Boyer, Ph.D. is an instructional designer and information fluency expert. She has designed online instruction for secondary learners in the Kutztown (PA) School District, and for graduate and professional development learners at Eduspire, iLearn Collaborative, and Rutgers University, where she is currently a part-time online instructor in the School of Communication and Information. She frequently presents at iNACOL, AASL, ISTE, and Internet@Schools conferences. Boyer received the 2014 AASL Collaborative School Library Award and is a co-author of theLibrary Technology Report: Social Media Curation (ALA, 2014), as well as "K-12 Online and Blended Learning, School Libraries, and School Librarians" inThe Handbook of Research on K-12 Online and Blended Learning (ETC, 2014), and articles for various library journals. Boyer's research interests include online learning, instructional design, and inquiry/research models. When she is not teaching, researching, or reading, Boyer can be found on various bike or ski trails.