Kay Ann
Professor Emerita of Library and Information Science,
- Office:
- AnB254
- 848-932-8789
- FAX:
- 732-932-6916
- kcassell@rutgers.edu
- Academia
Prior to joining Rutgers, Kay Cassell was the associate director for collections and services for the New York Public Library Branch Libraries from 1989 to 2006 and taught as an adjunct professor for Pratt Institute. She has also been the director of the New School for Social Research Library, the Huntington (NY) Public Library, and the Bethlehem (NY) Public Library. She has been active in the American Library Association, the New Jersey Library Association, and the New York Library Association.
International University for Graduate Studies
Ph.D., Library Science
Rutgers University
M.L.I.S., Library Science
Brooklyn College
M.A., Comparative Literature
Carnegie Mellon
B.A., Modern Languages
Kay Cassell's research bridges theory and practice. She was editor of the journal Collection Building that publishes articles on all aspects of collection development. Cassell has successfully mentored and taught many librarians, some of who served at the highest level of ALA’s leadership positions.
Selected Publications
Cassell, Kay Ann, "Managing reference Today: New Models & Best Practices." Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2017.
Kay Cassell. “Self-publishing in large academic libraries” in Holley, R. P., ed. Self-Publishing and Collection Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Libraries. Purdue University Press, 2015.
Kay Cassell. Reference and Information Services, an Introduction. 3rd edition. Neal-Schuman Publishers/ALA, 2013. With Uma Hiremath.
Gifts for the Collections: Guidelines for Libraries. Kay Ann Cassell et al for the IFLA Acquisition and Collection Development Section. IFLA Professional Report, No. 112.
Awards & Recognitions
Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Women and Gender Studies Section (WGSS) Career Achievement Award, 2011
Recipient of the ALA Equality Award, 1986