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The newly revised edition of “A Guide for Leaders in Higher Education: Concepts, Competencies, and Tools, Second Edition” highlights the need for leaders and aspiring leaders in higher education to “think broadly about the purposes of higher education and the dynamics of organizational excellence, and to apply these insights effectively in goal setting, planning and change leadership,” and more.
Kumar, D., Constructing the Terrorist Threat: ISlamophobia, the media and the war on terror,
Kumar, D. (2015, December 21). The roots of Islamophobia. Jacobin.
Barrett, P., & Kumar, D. (2016, November 6).The art of spin, Jacobin.
Barrett, P., & Kumar, D. (2017, October 4). The case for robust debate in the “post-truth” era. Toward Freedom,
Kumar, D. (2019, April 29). If you struggle, you can win, Jacobin
Kumar, D. and Barrett, P. What role did Sexism play in Warren’s failed presidential bid? Commondreams
Kumanyika, C. Making Sense of Charlottesville
Kumanyika, C. Can We Talk About Whiteness?
Kumanyika, C. (2017, November 7) Scholar response: The Philly Red Umbrella Alliance. In Stephen Hartnett (Ed.), Communication’s Civic Callings: The Social Justice Exchange and Community Engagement (pp. 41-42).