Displaying 1521 - 1530 of 8568
Kim, M., Kwestel, M., Youn, H., Quow, J., & Doerfel, M.L. (2021). Serving the vulnerable while being vulnerable: Organizing resilience in a social service sector. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 00 (0), 1-22,
Goulbourne, T., & Yanovitzky I. (2021). The communication infrastructure as a social determinant of health: implications for health policymaking and practice. The Milbank Quarterly. DOI: 10.1111/1468-0009.12496.
SC&I would like you to meet a remarkable woman: Ina Brown-Woodson, Ph.D.
Nonprofit organizations whose employees were able to utilize their social networks in addition to traditional work-related communication were better prepared to serve vulnerable clients immediately after Hurricane Harvey in 2017, according to a recently published study in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
Garimella, who focuses on using digital data for social good, and Jhaver, whose research examines the governance mechanisms of online platforms to understand their impact on public discourse, will join SC&I’s Library and Information Science Department in fall 2021.
Jill E. Baron MLIS’12 serves as the Librarian for Romance Languages and Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies at Dartmouth College. She also co-directed “Change the Subject” (2019), a 54-minute documentary film about a group of Dartmouth students who challenged anti-immigrant language in the Library of Congress subject headings.
Known as TikTok’s “Mom Friend,” lifestyle expert Cathy Pedrayes is finishing up her Master of Communication and Media (MCM) degree at SC&I. Instantly recognizable in her signature blue dress and pearls, Cathy is an influencer with over 1.7 million followers.
Catalfamo discussed how his education and experience as a JMS student at SC&I and a broadcaster at WRSU helped launch his career in sports broadcasting.
The Rutgers-New Brunswick professor launched his book project John Lewis: A Life in Politics, which is to be published by Simon & Schuster, after he traveled to Atlanta in February 2019 for an awe-inspiring meeting to secure the late congressman’s approval.
At a virtual ceremony held on May 13, 2021, SC&I honored and celebrated the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students who earned degrees from SC&I this year.