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By Megan Schumann, Rutgers University Communications
In her first book, “Strong, Calm, Confident You,” alumna Kelsey Buckholtz MCM ’14 shows women of all ages how to “learn to love themselves again and start living a more authentic, happy life.”
Maheem Hasan is a SC&I junior who is double-majoring in Information Technology and Informatics (ITI) and Cognitive Science while minoring in Psychology. Making the most of her time on campus, Maheem interns with the Rutgers Office of IT Accessibility (OITA), works for RU-Info, and belongs to several campus organizations, including Muslim Student Association (MSA) and Women in Information Technology and Informatics (Women in ITI).
Love, a faculty member at SC&I, wrote a chapter for the new book “Four Hundred Souls” that tells the history of the Royal African Company, an English slave-trading company that held a monopoly on the British slave trade between the African continent and the West Indies.
Brian Deakyne ’14, Brian Fonseca ’18, and Patrick Lanni ’13, are sports reporters for NJ Advance Media, and they all credit the Journalism and Media Studies Program at SC&I for preparing them for career success.
International Youth Literature Collection. Come celebrate on International Children's Book Day.
Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair in Media, Culture, & Feminist Studies presents multiple spring 2021 events.
The iSchools Doctoral Dissertation Award Chairs wrote, in praise of Ghosh’s dissertation, “the thesis combines the use of developing methods, an emerging technology, and is also true to ‘the best traditions of our field.’”