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A SC&I junior explains what a typical day is like for her as a remote student during COVID-19
I would like to thank all members of the SC&I family for how you have responded to the COVID-19 crisis. Staff have developed new systems for working remotely and coordinating with one another. And faculty have been working to develop distance teaching to allow our students to finish the semester. It is going to be a challenge this week as all the distance teaching gets into gear but we are well prepared.
Rutgers Student Health Operating Status (Until Further Notice) - http://health.rutgers.edu/general-resources/RSH-operating-status/
Stand Up, Speak out! Be Bold. Be Heard.
Public Speaking contest.
Entry Deadline: Monday, April 6 11:55 p.m.
Competition rules will be available soon.
Threats’s research integrates perspectives from library and information science, public health, health informatics, human-computer interaction, and digital sociology.
For our SC&I graduate students facing challenging circumstances, there is help. Go to https://gsnb.rutgers.edu/covid-19-emergency-funding to apply.
When Harry Potter fans have attended midnight movie launches, book signings, festivals, and other events, they are directly contributing to the success of the Harry Po