Displaying 3451 - 3460 of 8517
Bolden, G. (2009a). Beyond answering: Repeat-prefaced responses in conversation. Communication Monographs, 76(2), 121-143. Lead article.
Bolden, G. (2009b). Implementing incipient actions: The discourse marker “so” in English conversation. Journal of Pragmatics. 41(5), 974-998.
Bolden, G. (2008a). Reopening Russian conversations: The discourse particle -to and the negotiation of interpersonal accountability in closings. Human Communication Research, 34(1), 99-136.
Bolden, G. (2008b). “So what’s up?”: Using the discourse marker “so” to launch conversational business. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 41(3), 302-327.
Bolden, G. (2006). Little words that matter: Discourse markers “so” and “oh” and the doing of other-attentiveness in social interaction. Journal of Communication, 56(4), 661-688.
Bolden, G. (2004). The quote and beyond: Defining boundaries of reported speech in conversational Russian. Journal of Pragmatics, 36(6), 1071-1118.
Bolden, G. (2003a). Multiple modalities in collaborative turn sequences. Gesture, 3(2), 187-212.
Bolden, G. (2000). Towards understanding practices of medical interpreting: Interpreters’ involvement in history taking. Discourse Studies, 2(4), 387-419. Lead article.
Bolden, G. (2003b). Doing being late: The use of Russian particle -to in personal state inquiries. CLIC: Crossroads of Language, Interaction, and Culture, 5, 3-27. Proceedings from the 8th International CLIC/LISO Conference, University of California, Los Angeles, May 2002.
Bolden, G. (2017). Conversation Analysis. In M. Allen (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods.