Displaying 3721 - 3730 of 8517
Mokros, H.B. (2003, November). Professional master’s level education in communication: Developments in the context of a public research university. Panel Organizer, Participant and Respondent. National Communication Association annual meeting, Miami, FL.
Mokros, H.B. (2004, May). Four perspectives on identity. Panel organizer and participant. International Communication Association annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Mokros, H.B. (2005, March). Moderator. School of Communication, Information, and Library Studies (SCILS) 8th annual Research Day, New Brunswick, NJ.
Mokros, H.B. (2006, May 4th). Disciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity, Multidisciplinarity and Transdisciplinartity. Emporia State University.
Mokros, H.B. (2006, October). Meaning in language and social interaction research. New England-LSI mini conference, University of Massachusetts.
Sweet, D. & Mokros, H.B. (2006, November). Decision making in interaction: Microanalysis of a father and son’s moment-to-moment play interaction. National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX.
Mokros, H.B. (2008, February). One iSchool's Ideas and Identity: Doctoral Training and Research at Rutgers-SCILS 1959-2007. Third Annual iConference 2008, Futures: Systems, Selves, Society, UCLA, Los Angeles.
Gross, D., Garvey C., Julion, W., Fogg, L., Tucker, L., & Mokros, H. (2008, October). The effect of program attendance on 1-year outcomes in a prevention study with low-income parents of young children. National State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research 2008, Washington, DC.
Cockett, L. & Mokros, H.B. (2008, October). Space use and the organization of participation in peer supported learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA 2008), Freiburg, Germany, (October 13, 2008).
Cockett, L. & Mokros, H.B. (2008, November). A longitudinal microanalytic study of four tutor led study groups. National Communication Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.