Displaying 3891 - 3900 of 8517
Mokros, H.B. (2005). What counts as real? A constitutive view of communication and the disenfranchised in the context of health. In L.C. Lederman, D.W. Gibson, & M. Taylor (Eds.). Communication theory: A case book approach (33-48). Kendall/Hunt: Dubuque, IA. [earlier editions, 2000, 1998]
[Reprint of Book Chapter: Mokros & Deetz, (1996) along with newly added introduction.]
Mokros, H.B. (2006). Composing relationships at work: Three minutes at a wholesale produce market. In J. Wood & S. Duck (Eds.). Composing relationships (1st Edition), (175-185). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Mokros, H.B. & Friedrich, G.W. (2008). The future of communication theory and research. In M.B. Salwen (Ed.), An integrated approach to communication theory and research, (546-552). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Mokros, H.B. (2009). Language and social interaction at the University of Chicago 1977-1984. In W. LeedsHurwitz (Ed.), The social history of language and social interaction research: People, places and ideas. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Duncan, S., Fiske, D.W., Denny, R., Kanki, B., Mokros, H.B. (1985). Interaction structure and strategy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lemish, D. (April 2011). “Screening gender on children’s television” – New books in communication panel. Israeli Communication Association Annual Conference. University of Haifa, Israel.
Lemish, D. (May 2011). Preconference: Media, Child Health and Wellbeing: Setting the Research Agenda. International Communication Association Annual Conference. Boston, MA. (co-chair of pre-conference with Michael Rich).
Lemish, D. (May 2011). Using factual media content by immigrant adolescents: A shift from television to the internet. International Communication Association Annual Conference. Boston, MA (co-author with Nelly Elias).
Lemish, D. (May 2011). The role of news in the lives of Israeli children: Telling age, gender and ethnic differences. International Communication Association Annual Conference. Boston, MA.
Lemish, D. (May 2011). Explorations of media’s influence in the lives of Asian children and youth. (Session Respondent). International Communication Association Annual Conference. Boston, MA.