Displaying 3921 - 3930 of 8517
Lemish-Barkai, D. (1977). Half a star: Poetry. Tel Aviv: Traklin. (In Hebrew)
Lemish, D. (1989). Please meet television: Introduction to critical viewing. Haifa, Israel: Instructional Center for Youth. (in Hebrew).
Lemish, D. (1992). Advertising as an educational challenge. Topics in Education, 2, 92-96.
Lemish, D. (Ed.) (1992). Communication and education special issue of Topics in Education, 2.
Lemish, D. & Tidhar, C.E. (1999). Mothers close to life: An Israeli case study. TelevIZIon, 12(2), 39-46.
Lemish, D. (2002). The media, the whore and the Madonna. Panim, 22, 84-93. (In Hebrew).
Götz, M., Lemish, D., Aidman, A. & Moon, H. (2003). The role of media in children’s make-believe worlds. TelevIZIon, 16(1), 28-39.
Lemish, D. (2004). Preparing for war: Israeli’s children’s TV in times of war. TelevIZIon, 17(E), 14-17.
Lemish, D. (2004). This war is our war! Israeli children’s perceptions of the war in Iraq TelevIZIon, 17(E), 40-44.
Lemish, D. (2006). Was bedeutet "Gender"? TelevIZIon, 19(1), 10-15. Reprinted in: Lemish, D. (2008). What does gender mean. TelevIZIon, 21(E), 58-62