Displaying 3981 - 3990 of 8517
Lemish, D. (2003).Glocalizing media education. In B. Tufte, T. Lavender & D. Lemish (Eds.), Media education: Policy and practice (pp. 173-180). Newark, NJ: Hampton Press.
Lemish, D. (2003). Kindergartners’ understandings of television: The early development of television literacy. In B. Tufte, T. Lavender & D. Lemish (Eds.), Media education: Policy and practice (pp. 67-90). Newark, NJ: Hampton Press.
Lemish, D. (2004). “Fly blue and white”: Patriotism in Israeli advertising. In A. Ben-Amos & D. Bar Tal (Eds.), Patriotism in Israel (pp. 317-337). Tel Aviv, Israel: Hakibutz Ha’meuchad and Dyunon (in Hebrew).
Lemish, D. (2004). Exclusion or marginality? Portrayals of women in the Israeli media. In K. Ross & C. Byerly (Eds.), Women and Media (pp. 39-59). New York, NY Blackwell
Lemish, D. & Bloch, L.R. (2004). Pokémon in Israel. In J. Tobin (Ed.), Pikachu's global adventure: Making sense of the rise and fall of Pokémon (pp. 165-186). Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Scott, C. R., & D’Urso, S. C. (2003, November). Virtual teams, viable decisions? Message timing and thoroughness in online problem-solving groups. Paper presented to the annual convention of the National Communication Association Convention, Miami Beach, FL.
Lewis, L. K., & Scott, C. R. (2003, November). Should we really work together? Predictors of orientation towards interorganizational collaboration. Paper presented to the annual convention of the National Communication Association Convention, Miami Beach, FL.
Timmerman, C. E., & Scott, C. R. (2004, May). Virtually working: Communicative and structural predictors of media use and key outcomes in virtual work teams. Paper presented to the annual convention of the International Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Jarvenpaa, S., Scott, C. R., & Keller, J. (August, 2004). Virtual team identity and organizational embeddedness. Presentation to the annual convention of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, LA.
Jarvenpaa, S., Scott, C. R., & Keller, J. (August, 2004). Virtual team identity and organizational embeddedness. Presentation to the annual convention of the Academy of Management, New Orleans, LA.