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Lemish, D. (2007). Israeli children's television going to war with Iraq. In D. Lemish & M. Götz (Eds.,), Children and media at times of war and conflict (pp. 201-213). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
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Lemish, D. (2007). “This is our war”: Israeli children domesticating the war in Iraq. In D. Lemish & M. Götz (Eds.), Children and media at times of war and conflict (pp. 57-74). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
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Lemish, D. (2007). The Politics of exclusion: Representations of women and violence against them. In D. Caspi (Ed.), Communication and politics in Israel (pp. 185-207). Jerusalem, Israel: Van Leer Jerusalem Institute (in Hebrew).