Displaying 4441 - 4450 of 8525
Shifman, L. & Lemish, D. (2011) '“Mars and Venus” in virtual space: Post-feminist humor and the Internet. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 28(3), 253-273.
Potter, J. & Hepburn, A. (2004). Analysis of NSPCC call openings. In S. Becker & A. Bryman (Eds). Understanding research methods for social policy and practice (pp.311-13). London: The Policy Press.
Lewis, L. K., Hamel, S., & Richardson, B. (2000, June). Strategic communication with nonprofit organization stakeholders during planned change. Paper presented to the Organizational Communication Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Acapulco, Mexico.
Elias, N., Lemish, D., & Khovorostianov, N. (2011). “Britney Spears remained in Russia:” Dynamics of musical preferences in the integration of immigrant adolescents. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(1), 61-77.
Lewis, L. K. (2000, November). The tenure track experience: A survival guide. Paper on competitive panel entitled “Mentoring ourselves: Some helpful guidelines to getting and keeping) that first faculty position.” Presented to the Women’s Caucus at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.
Lesk, M.E., “Performance of Automatic Information Systems,” Inform. Stor. Retr., 4, 4, pp. 201-218, ACM Press, Dallas, TX (1968). Also presented at the Public Record Office, Kew; see their conference on preservation.
Lewis, L. K. (2002, August). The effects of users’ perceptions of implementation communication on success of new communication and information technologies in the workplace. Paper presented to the Organizational Development and Change Division at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Denver, CO.
Salton, G.A., and Lesk, M,. “Relevance assessments and retrieval system evaluation,” Inf. Stor. Retrieval, 4, 4, pp. 343-359, ACM Press, Dallas, TX (Dec. 1968). Also presented at the Public Record Office, Kew; see their conference on preservation.
Lewis, L. K., & Hayward, P. (2002, November). Choice-based learning: A report of student reactions in an undergraduate organizational communication course. Paper presented to the Instructional Development Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Lemish, D. (2011). About boys and girls: Mapping gender and family in television programming for children in Israel. Media Frames, 6, 61-88. (in Hebrew)