October 6, Information Session for the Dual-Degree Program MCM & MHCI

Find out about our Master of Communication and Media (MCM) or our Master of Health Communication and Information (MHCI) dual-degree program.
Rutgers SC&I Communication and Journalism & Media Studies majors can apply for the MCM or MHCI program in their junior or senior year as part of the Dual Degree BA/MCM or the BA/MHCI program option.
Attend our ONLINE Information Session for prospective students on October 6 at 6:30 p.m. to learn more and have your application fee WAIVED - R.S.V.P. today!
For more information, contact:
mcm@comminfo.rutgers.edu or mhci@comminfo.rutgers.edu
Find out about our Master of Communication and Media (MCM) or our Master of Health Communication and Information (MHCI) dual-degree program.
Rutgers SC&I Communication and Journalism & Media Studies majors can apply for the MCM or MHCI program in their junior or senior year as part of the Dual Degree BA/MCM or the BA/MHCI program option.
Attend our ONLINE Information Session for prospective students on October 6 at 6:30 p.m. to learn more and have your application fee WAIVED - R.S.V.P. today!
For more information, contact:
mcm@comminfo.rutgers.edu or mhci@comminfo.rutgers.edu