September 11, Special Cross-Campus Collaborative Event: Student Leader Brainshare

Honors College, School of Communication & Information, & School of Management and Labor Relations

Rutgers students: Join your fellow SC&I, Honors College and SMLR peers and learn how to adapt your student organization for a primarily remote semester, including best communication practices, working as a virtual team, and pivoting a student group’s mission to fit an all-digital setting.

Experts Mary Chayko (SC&I, Honors College) and Carlos Flores (SMLR) will share tips, strategies, and case examples. Come ready to learn and, if you’re comfortable, to workshop your upcoming challenges for the fall semester. 

Mary Chayko is an interdisciplinary teaching professor and sociologist at Rutgers' School of Communication and Information, a Faculty Fellow in Residence at the Honors College, and director of the Digital Communication, Information & Media and Gender & Media minors at SC&I. She researches the impact of social media and digital technology on everyday life and is the author of the book Superconnected: The Internet, Digital Media, and Techno-Social Life. 

 Carlos A. Flores is a Career Management Specialist at the Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations. He provides career advising to undergraduate and graduate students majoring/minoring in Human Resources and/or Labor Studies and Employment Relations. Carlos has worked in higher education for 6+ years.

Honors College, School of Communication & Information, & School of Management and Labor Relations

Rutgers students: Join your fellow SC&I, Honors College and SMLR peers and learn how to adapt your student organization for a primarily remote semester, including best communication practices, working as a virtual team, and pivoting a student group’s mission to fit an all-digital setting.

Experts Mary Chayko (SC&I, Honors College) and Carlos Flores (SMLR) will share tips, strategies, and case examples. Come ready to learn and, if you’re comfortable, to workshop your upcoming challenges for the fall semester. 

Mary Chayko is an interdisciplinary teaching professor and sociologist at Rutgers' School of Communication and Information, a Faculty Fellow in Residence at the Honors College, and director of the Digital Communication, Information & Media and Gender & Media minors at SC&I. She researches the impact of social media and digital technology on everyday life and is the author of the book Superconnected: The Internet, Digital Media, and Techno-Social Life. 

 Carlos A. Flores is a Career Management Specialist at the Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations. He provides career advising to undergraduate and graduate students majoring/minoring in Human Resources and/or Labor Studies and Employment Relations. Carlos has worked in higher education for 6+ years.
