Lisa Grimm has been directing DAM, taxonomy, and enterprise content programs in the US and Europe since the mid-1990s for companies, museums, and archives large and small, including Women.com, Nature Publishing Group, Drexel University College of Medicine, Elsevier, GSK, Amazon and many more. She has worked as a DAM product owner, trainer, and administrator in-house, as a consultant, and on the vendor side.
Recent roles include her positions at Global Director, DAM, at Novartis and VP DAM Evangelist at Digizuite. She holds BA and MA degrees in Archaeology and an MS-LIS, all of which have been extremely useful in her career in both predictable and wildly unexpected ways. She is a regular writer, speaker and podcaster in and beyond the DAM space. Find her in Dublin, Ireland, or at lisagrimm.com.
Long Island University
MS, Library & Information Science
University College London
MA, Archaeology
Boston University
BA, Archaeology