Amanpreet Kaur, CFCS, MLIS is a science librarian and public health fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, where she is at the crossroads of libraries, STEM education, public health, campus wellness, and community engagement. As an academic librarian, her subject specialities are engineering, health sciences, community health, health literacy, and dental medicine. Kaur previously worked at Rutgers in multiple capacities, before returning to SC&I as a part-time faculty member in 2020. In 2019, the American Library Association New Member Round Table named her an "Alternative Voice" within the field of librarianship. Outside of libraries, she enjoys volunteering for a variety of non-profit organizations, exercising (zumba, yoga, and high intensity interval training), and painting.
Iowa State University
BS, Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Studies with a minor in Engineering Studies
Rutgers, School of Communication and Information
MLIS, Library and Information Science