Assistant Director of Instructional Design and Technology Services
- Office:
- Annex B 104
- 848-932-7556
- erica.lucci@rutgers.edu
Erica Holan Lucci is an Assistant Director of Instructional Design & Technology Services for the School of Communication and Information. She currently teaches video game-focused courses for the Information Technology and Informatics (ITI) program as a part-time lecturer. Her teaching experience ranges from professional writing and research courses to multimodal learning design and the study of video games in socially impactful environments.
Rutgers University
Ph.D., Education
Kean University
M.A., Educational Administration (School Business Administration)
Kean University
B.A., Education (K-8; Academic Major: English)
Lucci's research interests include digital literacies, innovative pedagogies (e.g., using video games, geocaching/geolocation), project- and game-based learning, gamification, multimodal approaches to instruction, teaching with technology, and online education. She has presented her work on multimodal learning, online education, and educational technology at several conferences including the American Educational Research Association, Literacy Research Association, the Connected Learning Summit, and the National Council Teachers of English.
Selected Publications
Lucci, E. H., Abrams, S. S., & Gerber, H. (2016). Teacher-gamers and mining a literary craft. In Layered perspectives of adolescent literacies. The ALAN Review.
Boling, E. C., Holan, E., Horbatt, B., Hough, M., Jean-Louis, J., Khurana, C., Krinsky, H., and Spiezio, C. (2014). Using online tools for communication and collaboration: Understanding educators' experiences in an online course. The Internet and Higher Education.