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Let the job search begin!
SC&I student flock to the 4th annual SC&I Career Expo

Over 180 SC&I students attended this year’s SC&I Career Expo on April 1, 2019.

SC&I Student Services Assistant Director for Careers Ildi Koczan said that the employer turnout was outstanding, with over 48 employers in attendance.  Of those employers, 11 were from library organizations; 19 were from Media, Communication or PR organizations, seven were related to Information Technology, six were sales related and five were part of the Rutgers community. Employers were excited to see the SC&I students' enthusiasm and interest in the jobs offered. 
Like last years' event, the Expo featured a Live Stream element which was a great experience for employers to create an overview of their company and connect with students.  RWSU was also broadcasting live from the event.

Assistant Dean Kevin Ewell noted, “We are excited about the breadth of industries that were represented: media and communication outlets, public relations firms, magazine publishers, newspaper outlets, public and school libraries, information sciences and technology companies.”

The 4th annual Expo provided key educational outcomes for the students such as: 

•    Expanding on their understanding of career pathways.
•    Understanding how they fit in the picture.
•    Imaging themselves in the world of work. 
•    Practicing their career message or elevator pitch.
•    Understanding what they bring to the organization.

Congrats to the students that made connections at this year’s event. 

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