The LIS faculty had a highly productive year in scholarship, and here we feature a few examples.
Best Paper Awards
Oewel, B., Ammari, T., Brewer, R., 2023. Voice Assistant Use in Long-Term Care. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI ’23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA [Best Paper Award, top 1%]
Asif, H., Papakonstantinou, P. A., Shiau, S., Singh, V., & Vaidya, J. (2022). Intelligent Pandemic Surveillance via Privacy-Preserving Crowdsensing. IEEE intelligent systems, 37(4), 88–96. [Best Paper Award from IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2022].
Chauchard, S., & Garimella, K. (2022). What circulates on partisan WhatsApp in India? Insights from an unusual dataset. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 2. [Best Paper Using Data from the Global South (Runner Up)].
Paris, B., Reynolds, R., McGowan, C. (September, 2021) “Sins of Omission: Critical Informatics Perspectives on Higher Education Learning Analytics”, Journal for the Association for Information Science and Technology. [Top-cited article 2023 (top 10%)]
Reynolds, R., McGowan, C., Aromi, J. & Paris, B. (2022). Digital divide, critical-, and crisis-informatics perspectives on K-12 emergency remote teaching during the pandemic. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST). 73:1665–1680. [Top-downloaded article 2022/2023, Wiley].
Prof. Shagun Jhaver, PI: “Incorporating Procedural Fairness in Flagging Mechanisms on Social Media Sites.” National Science Foundation (NSF) IIS - HCC-Human-Centered Computing Unit. $581,680 (June 2023).
Prof. Kiran Garimella, PI: Towards a Privacy-Preserving Framework for the Study of Misinformation on Private, Encrypted Social Networks. NSF Secure and Trustworthy Computing. PI. USD 600,000 (March 2023).
Prof. Sunyoung Kim, Co-PI: “Smart Kids and Cool Seniors.” National Science Foundation (NSF) CIVIC Innovation Unit. $1,000,000 (Sept. 2023).
Prof. Jessica Cheng, Co-PI: “Advance Bridge Technology Clearinghouse (ATBC).” US Department of Transportation, 2024-2029. ($5,000,000).
Prof Marija Dalbello, Senior Researcher: “T-Bone Slim and the Transnational Poetics of the Migrant Left in North America,” KONE Foundation Award, 2022-2023. (€267 800).
Select Book Publications
Aronson, M. & Freedman, P. (2024) Bite by Bite: American History through Feasts, Foods, and Side Dishes Atheneum Books for Young Readers.
M. Dalbello and S. Wadsworth, Eds. (c2023). Global Voices from the Women’s Library at the World’s Columbian Exposition - Feminisms, Transnationalism and the Archive. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. 286 p.
Salmi-Niklander, K. and M. Dalbello, Eds. (2022). Reading Home Cultures Through Books. London, UK: Routledge. 168p.
Woolls, B., Valenza, J.K, & Dawkins, A. (2023) The School Library Manager: Leading Through Change. ABC-CLIO/Bloomsbury.
Select Journal Article / Proceedings Examples (partial)
Boyer, B. and Elliott, E. (July, 2023) What I had, what I needed: First-year students reflect on how their high school experience prepared them for college research. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. (49)4.
Buhler, A. G., Brannon, B., Cataldo, T. T., Faniel, I. M., Connaway, L. S., Valenza, J. K., ... & Cyr, C. (2023). How real is real enough? Participant feedback on a behavioral simulation used for information-seeking behavior research. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 55(1), 191-207.
Cheng, Y.-Y. (2023). Under Whose Wings? A Conceptual Model for Incorporating Historical Sovereignty Information in Biodiversity Data. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
Greyson, D., & Costello, K. L. (2023). “Emotional strip-mining”: Sympathy sockpuppets in online communities. New Media & Society, 25(12), 3328–3349.
Jhaver, S., H. Rathi, and K. Saha (2024), “Bystanders of Online Moderation: Examining the Effects of Witnessing Post-Removal Explanations,” In Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA.
Karppi, T., Paris, B., Gehl, R., Myers-West, S., Cath, C. (October, 2023). “If Not, Else: Standards, Protocols, Networks and How They Make a Difference”. Association for Internet Research (AoIR) Selected Papers of Internet Research, 2023. Philadelphia, PA. AoIR, 1-4.
Kranich, N. (2024). Civic Literacy: Reimagining a Role for Libraries. The Library Quarterly, 94(1), 4-34. [And served as Guest Editor for this Special Issue]
Lawrence, E. (in press). Literary vs. non-literary people: Rhetorical strategies of derogation in the sensitivity reading debate. Information & Culture.
Lawrence, E. (2024). Of acquisitions & interference: Accounting for systemic threats to the freedom to read. Journal of Documentation 80(2), 277-297.
Walters, A., Ammari, T., Garimella, K. and Jhaver, S. (2024). Online knowledge production in polarized political memes: The case of critical race theory.” New Media & Society.
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