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Striving to Unite Minorities in Tech
A group of students in the IT&I undergraduate program in the LIS Department at SC&I have started a new student-led organization called TechUnity.
gate at Rutgers University

A group of students in the IT&I undergraduate program in the LIS Department at SC&I have started a new student-led organization called TechUnity, whose Mission is as follows:

“Our mission is to empower and unite minorities in tech by fostering a collaborative and inclusive community through networking, mentorship, and education. We celebrate our cultural heritage while promoting innovation, growth, and leadership. Our goal is to drive meaningful change and make the tech sector more equitable for all.”

Founded at the start of the Spring 2024 semester, its current President is Mateo Barona (IT & Informatics Class of 2024, its Vice President is Jonah Cruz (Major Undecided), and its Faculty Advisor is Assistant Teaching Professor Warren Allen. This semester's inaugural events were as follows:

  • Biweekly "Code Cafe" for students to hang out and work on coding work from class or side projects.
  • March 20: LinkedIn Workshop and HackRU info session and meetup
  • May 2: Tech Professionals Panel and Networking

This student-led group will continue to meet ongoingly in the 2024/2025 school year and beyond to promote student membership, sponsor game nights and study and tutoring sessions, more formal guest speaker engagements, and other off-site event attendance among members such as professional development conferences and job fairs in the NYC and NJ region. To learn more and get involved, email

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