October 19, Virtual Information Session for the Ph.D. program in Communication, Information, and Media


The Ph.D. program in Communication, Information, and Media at Rutgers University will be holding a virtual information session for prospective students. 

The Program Director and Faculty will discuss the three areas of studies in which students can choose to focus: Communication, Library and Information Science, and Media Studies.  

Additional topics including program requirements, the application process, financial aid, and available funding will also be reviewed.


The application deadline for Fall 2022 enrollment is January 5, 2022.

Located in New Brunswick, NJ, within 90 minutes of both NYC and Philadelphia, Rutgers University provides an excellent environment for engaged research that has cultural significance and community impact.

The School of Communication and Information offers competitive funding packages for doctoral students with an annual salary of about $30,000, full tuition remission, and health benefits. Doctoral students are also eligible to receive financial support for academic travel and research.

The school includes world-renowned faculty whose accomplishments are reflected in a large pool of book and article awards, major grants, fellowships, and teaching prizes. More information on Ph.D. program admissions can be found here.

For more information, contact area coordinator for Communication, Matthew Matsaganis (matthew.matsaganis@rutgers.edu); area coordinator for Library and Information Science, Marija Dalbello (dalbello@rutgers.edu); area coordinator for Media Studies, Lauren Feldman (lauren.feldman@rutgers.edu); or Ph.D. program director Jennifer Theiss (jtheiss@rutgers.edu).

The Ph.D. program in Communication, Information, and Media at Rutgers University will be holding a virtual information session for prospective students. 

The Program Director and Faculty will discuss the three areas of studies in which students can choose to focus: Communication, Library and Information Science, and Media Studies.  

Additional topics including program requirements, the application process, financial aid, and available funding will also be reviewed.


The application deadline for Fall 2022 enrollment is January 5, 2022.

Located in New Brunswick, NJ, within 90 minutes of both NYC and Philadelphia, Rutgers University provides an excellent environment for engaged research that has cultural significance and community impact.

The School of Communication and Information offers competitive funding packages for doctoral students with an annual salary of about $30,000, full tuition remission, and health benefits. Doctoral students are also eligible to receive financial support for academic travel and research.

The school includes world-renowned faculty whose accomplishments are reflected in a large pool of book and article awards, major grants, fellowships, and teaching prizes. More information on Ph.D. program admissions can be found here.

For more information, contact area coordinator for Communication, Matthew Matsaganis (matthew.matsaganis@rutgers.edu); area coordinator for Library and Information Science, Marija Dalbello (dalbello@rutgers.edu); area coordinator for Media Studies, Lauren Feldman (lauren.feldman@rutgers.edu); or Ph.D. program director Jennifer Theiss (jtheiss@rutgers.edu).
