Since public relations became a paid profession in the United States in the early 1900s, the industry has undergone an incredible transformation, especially in the past 15 years with the arrival of social media channels. Public Relations History and the Modern World covers the transformation of the public relations discipline from earned media to the PESO (Paid Media, Earned Media, Shared Media and Owned Media) model and will feature a detailed history review, real-time and real-world applications of the PESO Model, and the opportunity to immerse students in experiential learning by meeting and engaging with leading public relations practitioners and applying what they learn to a real-life client situation.
Learning Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Understand the history and evolution of public relations
- Understand and apply the PESO Model to contemporary client situations.
- Bridge the foundational work of public relations pioneers to today’s integrated PESO Model approach.
- Identify public relations issues in today’s marketplace that are the priority for practitioners in an agency or corporate setting.
- Develop writing and presentation skills relevant to public relations roles through group and individual assignments and class discussions.
- Deliver appropriate and impactful public relations programming that addresses current market challenges.