Distinguished Professor of Communication, Advisor for Strategy and Planning in the Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Senior University Fellow, Rutgers Center for Organization Leadership
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- 848-932-7092
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- 732-932-1422
- bruben@rutgers.edu
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Brent Ruben's scholarship focuses on communication systems theory, and on the application of communication systems concepts to enhance personal and professional competence and organizational strategy in varying settings—interpersonal, intercultural, organizational, health, educational, and leadership. He is the author of more than 50 books and 200 journal articles and book chapters, and he was the founding editor of Communication Yearbook.
Ruben was one of the founding faculty members of the Department of Communication and he served as chair of the department for a number of years. He was also the first director of the integrated communication, information, and library science Ph.D. program. His most recent books are: Ruben, B. D., and R. A., Gigliotti, Leadership, Communication, and Social Influence: A Theory of Resonance, Activation, and Cultivation. Bingley/West Yorkshire, UK: Emerald Publishing. 2019; and
Ruben, B.D., & L. Stewart. Communication and Human Behavior. Seventh Edition. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt, 2020.
University of Iowa
Ph.D., Communication
University of Iowa
M.A., Mass Communication
University of Iowa
B.A., Psychology, Advertising
Brent Ruben's scholarship focuses on communication systems theory, and on the application of communication systems concepts to enhance personal and professional competence and organizational strategy in varying settings—interpersonal, intercultural, organizational, health, educational, and leadership. He is the author of more than 50 books and 200 journal articles and book chapters, and he was the founding editor of Communication Yearbook.
Ruben was one of the founding faculty members of the Department of Communication and he served as chair of the department for a number of years. He was also the first director of the integrated communication, information, and library science Ph.D. program.
Research Groups
Funded Projects
Director, Leadership Development Program, Botswana-Rutgers Collaboration, Office of the President, Rutgers University, 2019-2022
Senior Consultant, Lumina Foundation – National Association of College and University Business Officers, Challenge 2010, Malcolm Baldrige Higher Education Project, 2009-2012
Project Director, The Spellings Commission on the Future of Higher Education in the United States: A Case Study, National Association of College and University Business Officers, 2007
Selected Publications
Ruben, B. D., and R. A., Gigliotti, Leadership, Communication, and Social Influence: A Theory of Resonance, Activation, and Cultivation. Bingley/West Yorkshire, UK: Emerald Publishing. 2019.
Ruben, B.D., & L. Stewart. Communication and Human Behavior. Seventh Edition. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt, 2020.
Ruben, B. D., and R. A., Gigliotti, The Excellence in Higher Education Model: A Baldrige-based tool for organizational assessment and Improvement for Colleges and Universities. Global Business and Organizational Excellence. May/June issue, 38(4) 26-37, 2019.
Ruben, B. D., and R. A., Gigliotti, Organizational Communication, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education. 5v. edited by M. E. David and M. J. Amey, 2019.
Ruben, B. D. and R. A. Gigliotti, Communication: Sine Qua Non of Organizational Leadership Theory and Practice. International Journal of Business Communication, 54(1) 12-30, 2017.
Awards & Recognitions
Sue DeWine Distinguished Scholarly Book Award, National Communication Association (NCA), Applied Communication Division, recognizing A Guide for Leaders in Higher Education: Core Concepts, Competencies, and Tools, 2018
2018, National Leadership Excellence Award, The Baldrige Foundation, Inaugural Recipient, Education Sector, 2018
Recipient, National Consortium for Change and Continuous Innovation in Higher Education (NCCI), Leveraging Excellence Award, 2012
Rutgers University Daniel Gorenstein Award for outstanding scholarship and contributions to the university, 2000
National Consortium for Continuous Improvement in Higher Education (NCCI), Brent D. Ruben Award—first recipient of annual award named in Ruben's honor initiated to recognize distinguished contributors to the advancement of excellence in higher education
National Communication Association, Gerald Phillips Award for Distinguished Applied Scholarship, 2004
Additional Resources
Other Publications:
Gigliotti, R. A., B. D. Ruben, and C. Goldthwaite. Leadership: Communication and Social Influence in Personal and Professional Contexts. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt, 2017.
Ruben, B. D., and R.A. Gigliotti. Leadership as Social Influence: An Expanded View of Leadership Communication Theory and Practice. Leadership and Organizational Studies, pp. 1-13, May, 2016. (A)
Ruben, B. D., R. DeLisi, and R. A.Gigliotti, A Guide for Leaders in Higher Education: Core Concepts, Competencies, andTools. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, 2016 (in press).
Ruben, B. D., The Excellence in Higher Education Guide: A Framework for the Design, Assessment, and Continuous Improvement of Institutions, Departments and Programs - Eighth Edition. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. 2016.
Ruben, B.D., and L.Stewart, Communication and Human Behavior - Sixth Edition. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall-Hunt, 2016.
Rutgers Center for Organizational Development and Leadership:
Rutgers Predoctoral Leadership Development Institute: