Associate Professor of Library and Information Science
- Office:
- Annex A 204
- 848-932-7586
- FAX:
- 732-932-6916
- charles.senteio@rutgers.edu
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Charles Senteio joined the SC&I faculty in September 2016 after teaching in the Department of Media and Information at Michigan State University's College of Communication Arts and Sciences. He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES), and Certified Community Health Worker Instructor (CHW-I).
University of Michigan School of Information
Ph.D., Health Informatics
University of Michigan School of Social Work
M.S.W., Interpersonal Practice & Social Policy
University of Michigan Ross School of Business
M.B.A., Business Administration
Central Connecticut State University
B.A., Mathematics and Computer Science
Charles Senteio uses mixed methods to investigate how healthcare practitioners and patients can better use information to improve chronic disease outcomes for at-risk patients – while reducing cost of care – through financially sustainable care delivery models. He develops and enhances innovative, scalable approaches to care delivery, with a particular emphasis on community-based participatory (CBPR) research strategies. His dissertation describes the psychosocial factors that practitioners consider in providing outpatient diabetes care. Among his findings are the perceived facilitators and barriers to using Electronic Health Record (EHR) tools to document and use pertinent psychosocial information.
Senteio's research covers the following three themes:
- Evaluation of current capabilities, such as the degree to which current healthcare system capabilities support chronic disease patients
- Identification of areas to improve health outcomes and/or cost of care, such as describing disparities in prenatal antiretroviral (ARV) treatment among HIV-infected Medicaid enrollees or barriers dialysis patients experience in understanding treatment options
- Development of new capabilities and measurement of their impact, such as documenting improvements in community engagement for health informatics research and practice.
His research work trajectory includes developing capabilities, for both patients and providers, in the primary care setting to collect and use psychosocial information to support a more personalized consultation. There is notable support for the relevance of this work. For example, in November, 2014 the Institute of Medicine released the report, Capturing Social and Behavioral Domains and Measures in Electronic Health Records: Phase 2 which details specific recommendations for capturing social and behavioral data in the EHR. His dissertation study findings, which describe how and under which circumstances providers use psychosocial information, are critical to understanding what information is needed, and when. His research agenda includes piloting capabilities to capture and use this psychosocial information in clinical settings in order to measure the impact of its use. He is seeking to use this insight to develop sustainable models of care delivery, which result in more efficient care, as measured by health outcomes, patient satisfaction, patient activation, and cost of care.
He intends to collect and use psychosocial information in order to extend personalized medicine capabilities—which are currently tailored to the genetics of the patient—to the lived experience of the person.
Research Groups
- Behavioral Informatics Lab
- Center for Communication & Health Issues
- Community Design for Health and Wellness (CDHW)
- CommUnity Health Action Lab (CUHAL)
- Health and Wellness Cluster
- Health Humanities, Communications, and Informatics
Funded Projects
Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research Pilot Scholar Award, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, P30 AG015281. “Diabetes Education and Intergenerational Technology Transfer.” PI ($31,000), 2015-2016
Michigan State University Dean’s Office of the College of Communication Arts and Sciences. “Count Me Out: Investigating why CKD patients are never placed on, or elect removal from, Kidney Transplant Lists.” PI ($5,000), 2015-2016
OCLC/ALISE (Association for Library and Information Science Educators) Library and Information Sciences Research Grant for 2017. “Investigating Engagement of Public, Academic, and Medical Libraries with Community-based health and Wellness Activities in Diverse Urban Communities.” PI ($24,913)
Current Projects
- Investigating Engagement of Public, Academic, and Medical Libraries with Community-based health and Wellness Activities in Diverse Urban Communities. Funder: OCLC/ALISE. PI. Key Research Question: How can libraries better engage with their local communities for health and wellness concerns? Collecting data via Community Conversations in New Brunswick, North Brunswick, and Somerset with residents of each city, Data Collection complete in Fall 2017; Spring 2018 Data Analysis and Manuscript Development.
- Access beyond the walls: Investigating healthcare access barriers for the re-entry population. Funder: Rutgers Dean’s Office of the School of Communications & Information. PI. Key Research Question: How prepared are recently incarcerated individuals, who accessed healthcare during incarceration, to access healthcare services upon release? Conducting one-on-one interviews with formerly incarcerated individuals in Dallas, Completed 6 in Fall, 2017; Spring 2018 - Complete Interviews and Surveys.
- Investigating Transplant Recipients' Financial Barriers for Treatment-Related Expenses. Key Research Question: How prepared are kidney transplant recipients to meet post-transplant related expenses? What is their understanding and perceptions of fund raising for their medical expenses? Completed one-on-one interviews with transplant patients in Dallas (N=25), Spring 2018 - continue data analysis and manuscript development.
- Analysis of Elders Use of Digital Health Technology. Key Research Question: What is the rate of adoption of technology designed to improve health/wellness for Medicaid-eligible individuals? Analyzing data from the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS), a publically available data set, Spring 2018 - Data Analysis, Manuscript Development.
- Systematic Review of Literature Investigating the Adoption and Usability of Personal Health Technology by Vulnerable Patients. Key Research Question: What is the extant literature on personal health technology use for: Elders, African-Americans, and Hispanics? Conducting literature review, Spring 2017 – Systematic Review Analysis Complete, Manuscript Development.
- Improving HIV prevention - Combining insights from a behavioral and pharmaceutical intervention in Senegal. Key Research Question: What are the results of a behavior-based intervention to prevent HIV transmission among female sex workers? Developing collaboration with Senegal-based NGO and a US-based statistical survey research firm. Planning initial project to analyze survey and interview data from behavioral intervention focused on high-risk population (female sex workers). Spring 2018 - IRB Approval, Manuscript Development.
Selected Publications
Senteio, C. R., Veinot, T. C., Adler-Milstein, J., & Richardson, C. R. (2018). Physicians Perceptions of the Impact of the EHR on the Collection and Retrieval of Psychosocial Information in Outpatient Diabetes Care. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 113, 9-16. doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2018.02.003
Senteio, C. R., & Matteucci, K. (2017). Addressing Racial Discrimination in the 1930s: Using a historical case study to inform contemporary social justice efforts. Journal of African American Studies. 21(4), 621-642. doi:10.1007/s12111-017-9387-z
Veinot, T. C., Senteio, C. R., Hanauer, D., & Lowery, J. C. (2017). Comprehensive Process Model of Clinical Information Interaction in Primary Care: Results of a “Best-Fit” Framework Synthesis. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, ocx085. doi:10.1093/jamia/ocx085
Unertl, K., Schaefbauer, C., Campbell, T., Senteio, C. R., Siek, K., Bakken, S., Veinot, T.C. (2016). Integrating community-based participatory research and informatics approaches to improve the engagement and health of underserved populations. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocv094
Zhang, S., Senteio, C. R., Felizzola, J., Rust, G. (2013). Racial/ethnic disparities in antiretroviral treatment among HIV-infected pregnant Medicaid enrollees, 2005-2007. American Journal of Public Health 103(12), e46-53. doi: 10.2105/ajph.2013.301328
Awards & Recognitions
Gary M. Olson Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award, University of Michigan School of Information, 2015
ALISE Doctoral Student Research Poster Award – 1st Place, Jean Tague-Sutcliffe Award, Association for Library and Information Science Education, Chicago IL, January 28, 2015
Inductee, Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society, University of Michigan Chapter, 2013
Rackham Merit Fellowship Award, University of Michigan, 2011 - 2015
Outstanding Research Presentation, AGEP/Rackham Summer Institute Research Symposium, August 9, 2011