Vivek K.
Associate Professor of Library and Information Science
- Office:
- RH 203
- 848-932-7588
- FAX:
- 732-932-6916
- vivek.k.singh@rutgers.edu
- Google Scholar ResearchGate Personal Website
Vivek Singh is an Associate Professor in the School of Communication and Information and the Director of the Behavioral Informatics Lab at Rutgers University. His research lies at the intersection of Computational Social Science, Data Science, and Multimedia Information Systems. Before joining Rutgers, he was a post-doctoral researcher at the MIT Media Lab. He holds a Ph.D. in Information and Computer Science from the University of California, Irvine. His work has appeared in leading disciplinary and interdisciplinary publication venues (e.g. Science, ACM CHI, JASIST) and has been covered by popular media (e.g. New York Times, BBC, Wall Street Journal). Singh's research is supported by the US National Science Foundation and Google.
University of California, Irvine
Ph.D., Information and Computer Science
National University of Singapore
Master of Computing, Computer Science
National University of Singapore
Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Engineering
Vivek K. Singh has recently started the Behavioral Informatics research group at Rutgers University. The group looks at multiple problems at the intersection of Computational Social Science, Data Science, and Multimedia Information Systems. The research group focuses on using mobile phones and other sensors for understanding and influencing human behavior. Active projects include:
1) The Rutgers Well-being Study where detailed personal data about user behavior, social interactions, and mobility are being used to predict their health status, emotions, and well-being.
2) Sensor-Based Understanding of Information Seeking Behavior, where detailed personal data (e.g. phone, Fitbit data) are being used to understand user’s information-seeking behavior.
3) Cyberbullying detection and prevention.
Note to prospective Ph.D. students: Please check out the details for the Ph.D. admission process here. Singh tries to answer any student queries regarding graduate school admission and life as a Ph.D. student.
Research Groups
- Behavioral Informatics Lab
- Computational Social Science Lab
- HCI Lab for Health and Sustainability
- Health Humanities, Communications, and Informatics
- Social Media & Society Cluster
Funded Projects
National Science Foundation, “CRII: CHS: Cyberbullying Detection Using Content and Social Network Analysis,” PI ($174, 248) 2015 - 2017
SCI Research Development Grant, Predicting User Well-being via Socio-Mobile data, PI ($7,500)
III: Large: Collaborative Research: Dynamic exploration of evolving semantics using multimodal heterogeneous sensors, Co-PI, PI: Vladimir Pavlovic ($1,499,833) pending
III: Small: A New Method to Enhance Collaborative Information Seeking Using Long-Term Personal and Contextual Signals, Co-PI, PI: Chirag Shah ($499,449) pending
Selected Publications
Singh, V.K., & Jain, R., Situation Recognition Using EventShop (co-authored monograph), Springer, pp. 1-150, ISBN: 978-3-319-30535-6 / 3319305352.
De Montjoye, Y.-A., L. Radaelli, V. K. Singh, and A. Pentland. “Unique in the Shopping Mall: On the Reidentifiability of Credit Card Metadata.” Science 347, no. 6221 (January 29, 2015): 536–539.
Vivek K. Singh and Rishav R. Agarwal. 2016. Cooperative phoneotypes: exploring phone-based behavioral markers of cooperation. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp '16). ACM, New York,
Ghosh, I., & Singh, V. (2016). Predicting Privacy Attitudes Using Phone Metadata. In Proceedings, International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, Washington DC.
Singh, V. K., Bozkaya, B., & Pentland, A. (2015). Money walks: implicit mobility behavior and financial well-being. PloS one, 10(8), e0136628.
Awards & Recognitions
Distinguished Achievement in Research Award, Library and Information Science Department, Rutgers University, 2015
1st Prize for predicting crime patterns in London in Datathon on “Big Data for Social Good” organized by O2, MIT, Telefonica, and Open Data Institute, at Campus Party, London, September 2013
Selected as an “Emerging leader in Multimedia Research” by IBM Research Labs, NY (one of 10 selected world-wide), 2009
Best Paper Award at ACM Workshop on Social Media, co-located with ACM Multimedia Conference, 2009
Best Student Paper at IEEE Workshop on Situation Management, 2009