Professor of Communication
- Office:
- DeWitt 201
- 848-932-7125
- matthew.weber@rutgers.edu
- Google Scholar Academia Personal Website
Matthew Weber is a Professor of Communication and a member of Rutgers’ NetSCI Network Science lab. Weber’s research examines organizational change and adaptation in response to new information communication technology. His work is funded by a number of external agencies, including the William T. Grant Foundation and the National Science Foundation.
University of Southern California
Ph.D., Communication
University of Southern California
M.A., Communication
Northwestern University
M.S., Journalism and Media Management
Northwestern University
B.S., Industrial Engineering and Economics
Matthew Weber’s research examines organizational change in relation to the use of new information communication technologies. He examines organizations from both an internal and external perspective, focusing on the interaction between macro-and micro-level changes. He has studied organizations in a variety of contexts, including an examination of the transformation of the news media industry in the United States, an analysis of local newspaper ecosystems, research on technology use in large multinational organizations, and work on social movements.
Weber utilizes mixed methods in his work, including social network analysis, archival research, and interviews. He is developing new methodology for using large-scale big data for tracing organizational processes. His research has led to the development of a series of tools that enable researchers to access data made available by the Internet Archive.
Weber’s work is supported by funding from the National Science Foundation, the Institute for Museum and Library Services, the William T. Grant Foundation, the Democracy Fund, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Research Groups
- Active Surveillance of Policy Ecosystems and Networks (ASPEN Lab)
- Computational Social Science Lab
- Netsci Lab
- Social Media & Society Cluster
Funded Projects
National Science Foundation, 2016 Web Archiving Data Workshops: Travel Support for U.S. Students. PI ($29,883), 2016
Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Digital Journalism, and the Challenges of Managing a 21st Century Newsroom Workforce. Co-PI with A. Kosterich ($19,689), 2016-2018
Local News Ecosystems. Democracy Fund. Co-PI with P. Napoli ($300,000), 2016-2018
William T. Grant Foundation, Tracking Policymakers' Acquisition and Use of Research Evidence Regarding Childhood Obesity in the News Media. Co-PI with I. Yanovitzky ($457,862, 2016-2018
Institute of Museum and Library Services, Systems Interoperability, and Collaborative Development for Web Archiving. Co-PI with J. Bailey, T. Cramer, N. Taylor, V. Reich, D. S.H. Rosenthal, and M. Phillips ($353,221), 2016-2018
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Unlock your Web Archives Hackathon. Co-PI with I. Milligan and J. Lin ($23,715), 2015-2016
National Science Foundation, BCC-SBE Collaborative Research: Utilizing Archival Resources to Conduct Data-Intensive Internet Research (with David Lazer, Northeastern University, and Kris Carpenter, Internet Archive). PI, ($251,405), 2012-2016
Selected Publications
Weber, M. S., & Haseki, M.* (2021). Social media affordances and analytics in the sales process. International Journal of Electronic Commerce. 25(1), 73-98.
Weber, M. S., & Kosterich, A.* (2018). Coding the news: The role of computer code in filtering and distributing news. Digital Journalism.
Weber, M. S., & Napoli, P. (2018). Journalism history, web archives, and new methods for understanding the evolution of digital journalism. Digital Journalism, 6(9).
Weber, M.S. (2017). Unseen disruptions and the emergence of new organizations. Communication Theory. 27. 92-113.
Weber, M.S. & Monge, P. (2017). Industries in turmoil: Driving transformation during periods of disruption. Communication Research. 44, 147-176.
Awards & Recognitions
- Annual Research Award, Department of Communication, Rutgers University, 2014
- Top Paper Finalist, Web Science, 2012
- Redding Dissertation Award, Dissertation of the Year, 2012
- Top Paper, Organizational Communication Division, International Communication Association, 2011
- Finalist, Dissertation of the Year, Industry Studies Association, 201
Research Keywords
- Communication Technology
- Computational Social Science
- Data
- Data Science
- Digital
- Entrepreneurship
- Global Journalism Trends
- Information
- Journalism
- Network Science
- Networked Forms of Organizing
- Networks
- Online Communities
- Organizational Change and Renewal
- Organizational Communication
- Organizations
- Social Media
- Social Media and Society
- Social Networks