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SC&I faculty, students, and alumni will attend this year’s National Communication Association (NCA) convention in Seattle, Washington, from Thursday, Nov. 18, through Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, with pre-conference sessions scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 17.
A new study by Professor John Pavlik and Ph.D. student Shravan Regret Iyer explores how cultural, social, religious, and scientific developments during the Victorian era helped shape modern Virtual Reality.
In this course, public relations practitioners will explore theories of ethical reasoning and apply them to both simulated and personal ethical communication challenges. By the end of the course, each student will have learned how to better negotiate ethical challenges, examined how to chart paths through the grey areas of ethics, and prepared a practical guide to ethical decision making, consistent with their personal values and appropriate to their practice of communication.
Companies today cannot afford to view social media through a traditional lens or with only tactical methods. Their approach must be strategic and include customized stories and meaningful content to share through new media channels. Stakeholders want direct engagement and to actively take part in conversations and collaboration with their favorite brands. Participants will learn how the approach to public relations and communications has changed, beginning with incorporating social media into the public relations planning process.
This course offers participants with an interest in public relations or organizational communications an opportunity to gain insight into the practice of strategic public relations and build the framework to implement an actionable, effective strategic PR plan. The lessons in this course are designed to help participants learn to see the PR process more strategically, including understanding research and planning, knowing how to make strategic choices, selecting from a multitude of tactical options, and evaluating program effectiveness. By focusing on outcomes rather than outputs, the result will be positive recognition for you and your organization.
Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is the way organizations plan and present unified and consistent messages to their target audiences. IMC incorporates advertising, public relations, direct marketing, promotions, and digital media through traditional and non-traditional channels to communicate to various publics. It is a holistic approach to marketing based upon an understanding of how consumers think, make decisions, and act. The purpose of this course is to assist professionals to learn how to develop a strategic IMC plan.
Much of workplace communication takes place in writing–your image as a professional is often formed by what someone is reading on a screen. This interactive and feedback-driven writing course addresses common challenges such as facing writer’s block, presenting clear messages quickly, formatting documents for readability, and using a positive tone.
Our Interpersonal Communications course prepares students for more effective communication interactions. Using an assessment tool during the first week, students determine their preferred style and the characteristics of other styles. Most importantly, students learn the key to communication success - flexing one's style.
The ability to communicate in a clear, concrete, and concise manner is crucial to your success. Every time you participate in a meeting, give a project status update, lead a conference call, or engage in conversation with an organizational leader in the hallway - these are all opportunities to showcase your communication skills and positively impact how you are viewed in your organization. This course will increase your confidence, and verbal and non-verbal communication skills in situations ranging from giving an update at a team meeting to a large group presentation.
Persuasion and negotiation are skills that are paramount to the successful professional. The course will help you to apply persuasive techniques to your verbal and written messages in the workplace. In addition, you will learn how to prepare for and conduct effective negotiation techniques in your interpersonal communication interactions.