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Report findings include the highest level of support is for direct cash payments (78%), followed by aid to hospitals (63%), aid to K-12 schools and small businesses loans (57% each), and extended unemployment insurance (53%).
The Initiative is designed to support anyone involved or interested in science communication research, teaching, outreach, professional practice, and training, and aims to create a network across the university to promote science communication pedagogy and develop Rutgers into a global leader in science communication.
Virtual Networking Event for SC&I Students and Alumni 5-7 p.m. via Zoom. Get to know a few of our industry professional alumni who will be joining us! Each week we will share new alumni, their story, and their career paths.
New faculty members Tawfiq Ammari, Shawnika Hull, Yonaira Rivera, Megan Threats, Maria Venetis, and DaJung (DJ) Woo were welcomed by SC&I and introduced their research interests to the SC&I community in a virtual school event.
At the first school-wide meeting of the 2020-2021 academic year, Dean Jonathan Potter said SC&I is in control of its destiny with outstanding research and a strong mix of programs, and he welcomed everyone to the exciting year ahead.
Adelman, C. B., Panza, K. E., Bontempo, A., & Bloch, M. H. (2014). A meta-analysis of computerized cognitive-behavioral therapy for the treatment of DSM-5 anxiety disorders. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 75, 695-704. doi:10.4088/JCP.13r08894
Checton, M. G., Venetis, M. K., Catona, D., Bontempo, A. C., Greene, K., Buckley de Meritens, A., & Devine, K. A. (2019). Reports of sharing and withholding cancer-related information by patients with gynecologic cancer and their supporters. Oncology Nursing Forum, 46, 676-685. doi:10.1188/19.ONF.676-685
Bontempo, A. C. & Mikesell, L. (2020). Patient perceptions of misdiagnosis of endometriosis: Results from an online national survey. Diagnosis, 7, 91-96.
Bontempo, A. C., Greene, K., Catona, D., Venetis, M. K., Checton, M. G., Buckley de Meritens, A., & Devine, K. A. (2020). “We cannot have any negativity”: A secondary analysis of expectancies for the experience of emotion among women with gynecologic cancer. Journal of Health Psychology. Published online ahead of print. doi:10.1177/1359105320942863
Assistant Professor of Communication Jeffrey Lane was named a “Select Honoree” during the 2019-2020 Chancellor’s and Provost’s Awards for Faculty Excellence ceremony hosted by Rutgers University-New Brunswick.