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Jordan, A. (2007). Television viewing and weight status in children and adolescents. Journal of Children and Media (1)1, 45-54.
Jordan, A., Trentacoste, N., Henderson, V., Manganello, J. & Fishbein, M. (2007). Measuring the time teens spend with media: Challenges and opportunities. Media Psychology, 9(1), 19-42.
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Jordan, A., Kramer-Golinkoff, E., Strasburger, V. (2008). Does adolescent media use cause obesity and eating disorders? Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, 19(3), 431-449.
Manganello, J., Franzini, A., Jordan, A. (2008). Sampling television programs for content analysis of sex on TV: How many episodes are enough? Journal of Sex Research, 45(1), 9-16.
Hennessy, M., Bleakley, A., Jordan, A., Fishbein, M. (2008). Validating an index of adolescent sexual behavior using psychosocial theory and social trait correlates. AIDS and Behavior, 12(2), 321-31.
Bleakley, A., Fishbein, M., Hennessy, M., Jordan, A., Chernin, A., & Stevens, R. (2008). Developing respondent-based multi-media measures of exposure to sexual content. Communication Methods and Measures, 2, 43-64.
Jordan, A. (2008). Children’s media policy. The Future of Children, 18(2): 235-253.
Bleakley, A., Hennessy, M., Fishbein, M., Jordan, A. (2008). It works both ways: The relationship between exposure to sexual content in the media and adolescent sexual Behavior. Media Psychology, 11:443-461.
Bleakley, A., Hennessy, M., Fishbein, M., Jordan, A. (2009). How sources of sexual information relate to adolescents’ beliefs about sex. American Journal of Health Behavior, 33(1), 37-48.