Meetings and Colloquia

Spring 2025 Ph.D. Program Colloquium (16:194:600) Wednesday at 12–1:30 p.m. in Room 222

January 29: Negotiating a Job Offer with Karen Novick and Gina Marcello

February 5: Dr. Anita Say Chan, University of Illinois > Predatory Data: Eugenics in Big Tech and Our Fight for an Independent Future 

February 26: Computational Social Science Workshop

March 5: (ONLINE): Dr. Cal Biruk, McMaster University > Quantification, Care, and Capture in Global Health Worlds

March 12: Dissertation Presentations (Cimmi Alvarez, Melanie Kwestel, Casey Randazzo)

March 13: (ONLINE): Dissertation Presentations (Kevin Wang, Hessa al-Mohannadi)

March 26: Dissertation Presentations (Niki Natarajan, Kaitlin Montague, Corinne Weinstein)

March 27: (ONLINE): Dissertation Presentations (Laura Costello, Janet Lazar, Debra Glassco)

April 16: Practicum Poster Presentations

Previous Years-Meetings and Colloquia

Fall 2024

September 18: SC&I PhD Dissertation Presentation: Marisa Holmes “Social Media and Social Movements: A Comparative Study of Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter”

October 2: Dr. Bernadette Gailliard, Assistant Dean for DEI “Communicating Diversity at SC&I”

October 23: Dr. Kory Floyd, University of Arizona “The Importance of Being Prosocial”

November 6: Dr. Julia Sonnevend, The New School for Social Research “Charm: How Magnetic Personalities Shape Global Politics”

November 13: Julia Maxwell, Social Sciences Librarian, Rutgers University Libraries “Systematic and Scoping Reviews in the Social Sciences”

December 11: SC&I PhD Dissertation Presentation: Katherine Prendella “‘My Job is the TV’: An Ecological Approach to Intellectually Disabled Adults’ Media Use”

Spring 2024

January 24: Dissertation Presentations: Holly Avella, Mood, Media and Mental Health: A Study of Therapeutic Mood Mediating Technologies (advisor: John Pavlik), Shravan Iyer, Understanding the Role of VR First-Person Perspective in Climate Change Knowledge Outcomes and Pro-Climate Social Actions (advisor: John Pavlik)

February 7: Dr. Sun Kyong Lee, Associate Professor of Media Communication at Korea University, Can We Trust Machines? Insights from a Series of Experiments in Human-Machine Communication

February 21: Andrés Monroy-Hernández, Princeton University, Title TBD

March 6: Alumni Panel: Creative/Critical Approaches to Ph.D. Research, Dr. Vyshali Manivannan, Pace University, Dr. Vanessa Kitzie, University of South Carolina, Dr. Miraida Morales, Project Manager, eBay

March 20: Dissertation Presentations: Alyvia Walters (advisor: Amy Jordan), Hannah Jones (advisor: Jen Theiss)

April 3: Pablo Boczkowski, Northwestern University, Title TBD

April 17: PRACTICUM presentations

April 24: Dissertation Presentations: Xizi Ru (advisor: Matt Weber), Marisa Holmes (advisor: Todd Wolfson)

Fall 2023

September 13: The Digital Border: Technologies of Migration Governance and Resistance Dr. Myria Georgiou, London School of Economics

September 27:Conceptualizing and Measuring Symptom Invalidation as Experienced by Patients with Endometriosis Dr. Allyson Bontempo, SC&I Dissertation Presentation

October 11: Talk title TBD – Dr. Danielle Pillet-Shore, University of New Hampshire

October  25: Supporting Mental Health Among Autistic Youth in the Digital Age Meryl Alper, Northeastern University (via Zoom)

November 15: SC&I Alumni Book Panel Dr. Allie Kosterich, Fordham University; Dr. Jiqun Liu, University of Oklahoma; Marisa Holmes, SC&I

November 29: Computational Social Science Lab @ Rutgers Exploring the Role of Digital Platforms in Social Processes

December 13: tbd dissertation presentations 

Spring 2023

February 8: Panel on Iranian Protests around Women's Head Coverings Afrooz Mosallaei, Bahareh Badiei

February 22: Creating Chaos Online: Disinformation and Subverted Post-Publics Asta Zelenkauskaite

March 3: Recruitment Day Student Research Panel

March 8: SC&I Scholarly Incubator 

March 29: Dissertation Presentations

May 26: Research Practicum Presentations

Fall 2022

September 14: Dissertation Presentation-Christoph Mergerson, Zoom

September 28: Dissertation Presentation-Taylor Goulbourne, Omar Hammad In-person, Room 323

October 12: Dr. Jasmine Cobb, Duke University-Professor of African and African American Studies/Art, History, and Visual Studies, Zoom

October 26: Diversity Book Club discussion of Hunger with Roxane Gay, Noon start time, Zoom

November 9: TBD

CANCELLED-November 30: Meredith Clark, of Northeastern University, In-person, Room 323

CANCELLED-December 14: Dissertation Presentations, In-person, Room 323

Spring 2022

January 26:  Tackling Procrastination and Resistance to Writing by Jen Theiss

February 9:  Strategies for Approaching the Job Market

February 23: The Promise of Access: Technology, Inequality, and the Political Economy of Hope by Dan Greene, Univ. of Maryland

March 4: FRIDAY: Recruitment Day Research Presentations

March 23: Dissertation Presentations

March 30: Dissertation Presentations

April 20: Research Practicum Presentations

Fall 2021

September 15: Dissertation Presentations by Amana Kaskazi and Wan Wei

September 22: Dissertation Presentations by Robyn Caplan and Song Hee Park

September 29: If needed, Dissertation Presentations

October 6: New Faculty Colloquium (Note: 10 a.m.-12 p.m.)

October 20: The gentrification of the Internet: A rallying cry for more freedom online by Jessa Lingel, University of Pennsylvania

November 10: Time Management and Work-Life Balance by Marie Radford

December 1: Finding and Working with a Faculty Advisor

December 15: Dissertation Presentations

Spring 2021

January 20: Finding and Applying for External Funding, Grants, and Fellowships. Teresa Delcorso-Ellmann, Craig Winston, Diana Floegel Video link

February 3: Prepping, Writing, Defending, and Passing your Quals. Melanie Kwestel, Alyvia Walters, Kevin Wang Video link

February 17: Revising and Resubmitting for Publication: Addressing and Responding to Reviewer Feedback. Emil Lawrence, other TBA Video link

March 5: Friday: Recruitment Day Colloquium

March 24: Dissertation presentations by Sarah Fadem and Diana Floegel

April 14: Weaponized Words: The Strategic Role of Persuasion in Violent Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization. Kurt Braddock, American University

April 28 Research Practicum Presentations

Fall 2020

September 9: Dissertation Presentations: Sarah-Rose Marcus, Jonathan Pulliza.

September 23: Dissertation Presentations: Zhe Li,F redrika Thelandersson

October 7: Guest Speaker: Danna Young (organized by Lauren Feldman co-sponsor with Eagleton)

October 21 Dissertation Presentation: Connie Pascal

November 4: Developing a Professional Website and Social Media Presence with Tawfiq Ammari, Mary Chayko, Marie Radford

November 11: NCA Student Practice Presentation

December 2: TBD

December 16: Dissertation Presentation

Spring 2020

January 22: The Global Trust Deficit: Can Communication Scholars Play a Role in Addressing it with Terry Flew, QUT, Brisbane

January 29: Setting Professional Goals and Making an Individual Plan for Ph.D. Students with Jen Theiss

February 5: Trends and the Business of Forecasting the Future with Devon Powers, Temple University

February 12: Are You Your Friends' Friend? Poor Perception of Friendship Ties Limits to the Ability to Promote Behavioral Change. Erez Shmueli, Tel Aviv University

February 19: Ralph Gigliotti, Rutgers University Ralph Gigliotti, Rutgers University

February 26: Dissertation Presentations with Sarah Rose Marcus, Eun Youp Rha

March 4: Mentoring and Advisor Relationships

March 6: Recruitment Day Special Colloquium

March 11: Children and Media: How Public Policy and Programming are Influenced by Research (room 222) Ellen Wartella, Northwestern University


Ph.D. Colloquiums Are Canceled For The Rest Of The Spring 2020 Semester

March 25: Dissertation Presentations Connie Pascal, Jiqun Liu

April 1: Dissertation Presentations James Hodges

April 8: Elinor Carmi, University of Liverpool Elinor Carmi, University of Liverpool

April 15: How to Write a Journal Review

April 22: Practicum Presentations

April 29: No Colloquium

Fall 2019

September 11: Dissertation Presentations. Eun Jung Baik, Katie Kang

September 18: Dissertation Presentation & Proposal Presentation with Teis Kristensen and Isha Ghosh

September 25: Dissertation Presentation & Proposal Presentation with Qun Wang and James Hodges

October 2:  No Colloquia

October 9: Meghan Moran, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. "Using communication theory to understand tobacco marketing and prevention messages."

October 16: Sabbatical Presentations. Marija Dalbello, Jenny Mandelbaum, Itzhak Yanovitzky

October 23: Post-Truth, Fake News and Democracy: A Critical Examination. Johan Farkas, Ph.D. Fellow Malmo University, Sweden

October 30: No Colloquium (Practice job talk by Sarah Rose Marcus for those who can attend)

November 6: NCA Practice Presentations-- Allyson Bontempo, Hannah Jones, Xizi Ru, and Deb Yoon

November 13: Tips and Advice for Qualifying Exams - Bill Bejarano, Diana Floegel, Omar Hammad, Christoph Mergerson

November 20: No Colloquia

November 27: No Colloquia 

December 4:  Garrett Broad, Assistant Professor, Communication & Media Studies, Fordham University

December 11: Dissertation Presentations

December 18: Dissertation Presentations (if needed) 

Spring 2019

Videos of the colloquia can be accessed on our PhD program YouTube channel

January 23:  Practice Job Talk with Fanny Ramirez

January 30: Understanding and Negotiating an Academic Job Offer with Karen Novick

February 6: Google News:History, Evolution, and Influence 2002-2018 with Qun Wang

February 13: Perspectives on Academic Publishing from the Editor of the Journal of Communication with Lance Holbert

February 20: Thoughts on Managing the Advisor/Advisee Relationship with Marie Radford and Jen Theiss

February 27: The History of Fox Populism: How Rupert Murdoch, Rogers Ailes and Bill O'Reilly Remade Television News with Reece Peck, CUNY-Staten Island

March 6: I got an R&R! Now what?: Approaches to Revising your Work for Publication with Susan Keith, Amy Jordan, and Rebecca Reynolds

March 13: Dissertation Presentations. Nicole Gesualdo, Nadia Riley

March 20: Spring Break-No colloquium

March 27: Talk by David Hesmondhalgh

March 29: Recruitment Day Panel-TBD

April 3: Dissertation Presentations

April 10: Dissertation Presentations. Weixu Lu, Andrew Salvati

April 17: TBD

April 24: Practicum Presentations

May 1: No colloquium

Fall 2018

September 7: Dissertation Presentation with Ziad Matni. Link to presentation.

September 12: Sabbatical Research Presentations and Roundtable with Galina Bolden, Regina Marchi, Marie Radford, Vivek Singh.  Link to presentation.

September 19: The Moral Machine Experiment: 40 Million Decisions and the Path to Universal Machine Ethics with Edmond Awad. Link to presentation.

September 26: Dissertation Proposal Presentations with Fredrika Thelandersson and Hyunsook Youn. Link to presentation.

October 3: A Discursive Take on Donald J. Trump: Identity Work, Mafia Talk, and Post-truth Leadership. Link to the presentation.

October 10: Scholarly Identity on the Virtual Stage: Research, Issues, and Strategies with Mary Chayko, Diana Floegel, Marie Radford. 

October 17: No Colloquium

October 24: Finding and Winning Grants with Elizabeth Ciccone, Jan Hempel, Cecilia Gal. Link to presentation.

October 31: Summer Research and Policy Work at COMPASS with Danyel Ferrari, Christoph Mergerson. Link to presentation.

November 7: No Colloquium

November 14: No Colloquium

November 21: No Colloquium

November 28: Dissertation Proposal Presentations with Eun Rha, Songhee Park, and Amana Kaskazi

December 5: Research at PBS Kids: Informing and Assessing Educational Media Content for Children, Families, and Communities

December 12: Dissertation Presentation with Miraida Morales

December 19: Dissertation Presentations with Christine Goldthwaite, Wei Shi, and Jing Wang

Spring 2018

January 17: No colloquium

January 24: Panel on Being a Public Scholar and Non-Academic Research Products by Chenjerai Kumanyika, David Greenberg, and Itzhak Yanovitzky. Link to the presentation

January 31: Health and Wellness Research Panel with Kathryn Greene, Amy Jordan, Charles Senteio, and Amy Henderson Riley from American University.  Link to the presentation. 

February 7: Workshop on Seeking and Winning Grants with Chirag Shah.  Link to presentation.

February 14: No colloquium

February 21: Social Media Research Panel by Katya Ognyanova, Chenjerai Kumanyika, Kaitlin Costello, and Rebecca Reynolds.  Link to presentation.

February 28: Preparing for Quals with Amana Kaskazi, Matt Reichel, Yiwei Wang, David Winters.  Link to presentation.

March 7: No colloquium

March 14: Spring Break-No colloquium

March 23: FRIDAY: Children & Media Panel-Recruitment Day by Amy Jordan, Jeff Lane, Dafna Lemish, and Rebecca Reynolds.  Link to presentation. 

March 28: Dissertation Presentation: Joy Cox. Link to presentation.

April 4: Dissertation Presentations: No Colloquium 

April 10: Dissertation Presentations: Sarah Barriage, Charlie File, Xiaofeng Li.

April 11: Dissertation Presentations: Ian Dunham, Debanjan Ghosh, Sean Leavey. Link to presentation.

April 18: No colloquium 

April 25: Practicum Poster Session

May 4: Honors Day

May 9: Dissertation Presentation: Jack Harris

Fall 2017

September 8: No colloquium this week

September 15: Welcome from Dean Potter, Dissertation Presentation by Yuan Yuan, Proposal Presentation by Joy Cox. Link to presentation

September 22: Dissertation Presentation by Stefanie Gomez, Allie Kosterich  Link to presentation

September 29: Dissertation Presentation by Amanda Carpenter, Dongho Choi. Link to presentation

October 6: Summer Research Reports by Christoph Mergerson, Songhee Park, Jing Wang, and Kaicheng Zhan. LInk to the presentation

October 13: Research, Ethics, and Academic Integrity by Lily Todorinova and Chirag Shah. Link to presentation

October 20: DSA ASIST Practice Presentations by William Bejarano, Manasa Rath. Eun Rha, Shawon Sarkar, and Yiwei Wang

October 27: No Colloquium

November 3: Proposal Presentation by Christine Goldthwaite and Cheryl Klimaszewski. Link to presentation

November 10: No colloquium this week

November 17: No colloquium this week

November 24: No colloquium this week

December 1:  Academic Publishing Workshop with Dafna Lemish and Regina Marchi. Link to presentation

December 8:  Dissertation Presentation by Soe Yoon Choi and Connie Pascal

December 15: Dissertation Presentation by Nik Ahmad Rozaidi

December 22: No colloquium this week

Other Important Events

Students and faculty are also encouraged to scan the School Calendar. the SGS Calendar of Events, and the Rutgers main events page for announcements of symposia, lectures and speakers coming to campus this fall.