

Professor of Journalism and Media Studies


CI 104

Regina Marchi studies alternative forms of media, political communication and civic engagement, focusing on populations historically marginalized from official politics and news media due to their race, ethnicity, social class, immigration status, gender or age. She has traveled extensively throughout the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa studying a wide variety of media and cultural practices. Prior to life in academia, she worked as a journalist in the U.S. and Central America and as a community organizer for health and environmental issues. In 2021, Marchi received Rutgers University's highest teaching honor, the Warren I. Susman Award for Excellence in Teaching. She is an affiliated faculty member in the Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies and the Center for Latin American Studies. She is also the founder and program director for the Dept. of Journalism and Media Studies' short-term study abroad courses in Guatemala and Ireland, as well as co-director of the short-term study abroad course in Bologna, Italy.


University of California San Diego
Ph.D., Communication

San Francisco State University
M.A., English Literature

Bates College
B.A., English Literature and Rhetoric


Professor Marchi's research focuses on the intersections of media, culture, and politics. She is particularly interested in how traditionally disenfranchised communities, be they economically, linguistically, racially, ethnically or politically marginalized, have been portrayed in the mainstream media over time and how these populations have utilized diverse media to advocate for civil rights and fuller democratic participation. She has also written on community radio and social media.   

Her book Young People and the Future of News: Social Media and the Rise of Connective Journalism (Cambridge University Press: 2017) is co-authored with Lynn Schofield Clark and discusses the role of social media in youth civic engagement. It introduces the concept of connective journalism, which refers to the social media practices through which people share stories, links, photos, videos, and other "artifacts of engagement" that are precursors and pathways to civic participation. This book won the 2018 Nancy Baym Top Book Award from the Association of Internet Researchers. Marchi's book, Day of the Dead in the USA: The Migration and Transformation of a Cultural Phenomenon, examines the ways in which Chicano/a/x and other Latinx artists and activists have used alternative media such as public art installations and collective rituals to express cultural identity, create community, and advocate for political rights. This book received the International Latino Book Award in the category of “Best History/Political Book.” A significantly revised 2nd edition of the book was published by Rutgers University Press in Fall 2022. 

Research Groups

Selected Publications

Marchi, R. (2024). "Día de los Muertos at Rockefeller Center, shopping malls and street fairs: Integration or exclusion of Latinx populations in the corporate commodification of culture?" Latino Studies, vol 2, issue 3.

Walters, A. and Marchi, R. (2025). From local tragedy to national news: Twitter, anti-immigrant discourse, and the weaponization of public grief online. Atlantic Journal of Communication. 33(1):1-17.

Marchi, R. (2022). Day of the Dead in the USA: The Migration and Transformation of a Cultural Phenomenon revised 2nd edition. New Brunswick. NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Marchi, R. (2021). Migration, Gentrification and Meaningful Properties: Bathtub Madonnas as media in an Italian-American neighborhood in transition, Visual Communication Quarterly, 28:1, 3-18.

Marchi, R. and L.S. Clark (2018).  Social media and connective journalism: The formation of counterpublics and youth civic participation, Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism.  Online: DOI: 10.1177/1464884918807811

Awards & Recognitions

2024 Excellence in Faculty Service Award, Dept. of Journalism and Media Studies

2023 International Latino Book Award (Raul Yzaguirre Best Political/Current Affairs Book – English) 

2023 International Latino Book Award (Dolores Huerta Best Cultural & Community Themed Book – English) 

2021 Warren Susman Excellence in Teaching Award, Rutgers University Office of the President 

2020 Outstanding Ph.D. Faculty Mentor Award, Doctoral Student Association 

2020 Distinguished Achievement in Teaching Award, Dept. of Journalism and Media Studies 

2018 National James W. Carey Award for Media Research, Couch Center for Social and Internet Research

2018 Nancy Baym Top Book AwardAssociation of Internet Researchers

2018 Distinguished Achievement in Research Award, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Rutgers

2018  Visiting Scholar, University of Venice Ca' Foscari, Venice, Italy

2016 George Washington Medal of Honor for Public Communication

2015 Latin American Research Award, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

2010 National James W. Carey Award for Media Research, Carl Couch Center for Internet and Social Media

2010 International Latino Book Award for Best History/Political Book Day of the Dead in the USA

2010 Rutgers University Faculty Leadership in Diversity Award, Office of the President, Rutgers University

2010  Distinguished Achievement in Research Award, Department of Journalism and Media Studies

2009  Marsico Visiting Scholar, Estlow International Center for Journalism and New Media, University of Denver

2009  Visiting Fellow, Global Seminar on Religion, Media and CultureUniversity of Ghana, Legon 

2009 Distinguished Achievement in Research Award, Department of Journalism and Media Studies 

2008 Distinguished Achievement in Teaching Award, Department of Journalism and Media Studies

Additional Resources

Other Publications:

Clark, LS and Marchi, R. 2019. “Storytelling the Self into Citizenship: How social media practices facilitate adolescent and emerging adult political life,” in Z. Papacharissi (Ed.), A Networked Self: Birth, Life, Death, pp. 69-89. New York: Routledge.

Marchi, R. 2018. Religion and Cultural Pluralism: Day of the Dead in Latin America and the United States. Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Georgetown University.

L.S. Clark and Marchi, R. (2017). Young People and the Future of News: Social Media and the Rise of Connective Journalism. Cambridge University Press.

Marchi, R. 2016. News Translators: Latino Immigrant Youth, Social Media and Citizenship Training.  Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 94(1)189-212.

Marchi, R. 2016. Review of: Crafting Identity: Transnational Indian Arts and the Politics of Race in Central Mexico, Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press (2015), The International Journal of Communication, v. 10, 812-817.

Marchi, R. 2015. Legendary Locals of East Boston. Charleston, South Carolina: Arcadia/The History Press.

Marchi, R. 2014. “The Moral Economy of Latino Art and Ritual” in M. Mattern and N. Love (Eds.), Doing Democracy: Activist art and cultural politics, pp. 75-95. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Marchi, R. 2013. "With Facebook, blogs and fake news, teens reject journalistic 'objectivity,'" Journal of Communication Inquiry 36(3): 246-262.

Marchi, R. 2013.“Hybridity and Authenticity in US Day of the Dead,” Journal of American Folklore,126 (501): 272-301.

Marchi, R. 2012. “From Disillusion to Engagement: Minority teen journalists and the news media,” Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, 13(8): 750-765.

Marchi, R. 2010. “Chicano Art as Alternative Media: Its influence on US society and beyond.” The International Journal of the Arts in Society. 4(5): 447- 464.

Marchi, R. 2009. Day of the Dead in the USA: The Migration and Transformation of a Cultural Phenomenon. New Brunswick. NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Marchi, R. 2009. “Z-Radio, Boston: Teen journalism, political engagement, and efforts to democratize the airwaves,” Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 16(2): 127-143.

Marchi, R. 2008. “Race and the News: Coverage of MLK Day and Día de los Muertos in two California dailies,” Journalism Studies, 9 (6): 925-944.

Marchi, R. 2006. “El Día de los Muertos in the USA: Cultural ritual as political communication,” in J. Santino (Ed.) Spontaneous Shrines and the Public Memorialization of Death, pp. 261-283. New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.

Marchi, R. 2005. “Reframing the Runway: A case study of the impact of community organizing on news and politics,” Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, 6(4): 465-485.

Research Keywords