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From Rutgers to Dream Job: Meet Cheyenne Riehl MI’21, BS’18
Stockton University's Student Success Librarian shares the twists and turns that led her to her ideal career.
Cheyenne Riehl MI’21, BS’18

Cheyenne Riehl MI’21, BS’18 is putting her Rutgers education to wonderful use. Currently the Student Success Librarian at Stockton University in Galloway, New Jersey, Riehl shares her circuitous route that led her to her dream job.

SC&I: How did you find your way to Rutgers and, eventually, SC&I?

CR: I transferred to Rutgers and completed my Bachelor of Science degree in Evolutionary Anthropology. While earning that degree, I participated on an archaeological dig in which I realized I absolutely hate digging! It was then that I realized research was truly what I enjoyed doing, and I wanted to help others with my passion for research. I decided to reevaluate my career path and thought to myself, where are my "happy places"? It was between museums and libraries, and after working and volunteering in a number of different museums, I decided that libraries it was! I loved Rutgers so much I decided I would apply to the SC&I program and I got in! 

SC&I: What work experiences confirmed your career choice?

CR: While I worked towards earning my Master of Information, I worked in a number of different academic libraries, but it was my time spent at Penn Libraries in the Penn Museum Library that really reaffirmed that I made the right decision to pursue librarianship. The amazing information professionals and librarians that I worked with and learned from there helped me become the professional I am today.

SC&I: What SC&I classes or instructors had the most impact on you?

CR:  My absolute favorite class was Critical Information Literacy taught at that time by Emily Drabiniski who serves as past president of the American Library Association. She was not only a stellar professor with an astounding amount of knowledge and uniqueness in her perspective on the information profession, but her kindness during the craziness of attending grad school at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic was something that I'll never forget. She is the person I strive to be as an academic librarian and university instructor. 

During my time at SC&I, I had the pleasure of studying under Professor of Library and Information Science Marie Radford; she is a professor I will never forget. I was always in awe of the wisdom she shared and her student-centered approach to each lesson. I truly feel like the classes I took with Dr. Radford helped me prepare for my career in academic librarianship in a way I didn't even realize I would have needed.

SC&I: What advice do you have for current and/or prospective SC&I students?

CR: Choose joy. Whatever the decision you're trying to make, whether it's choosing your next semester’s class schedule, seeking out an internship, or applying for a job, always make that choice with joy as your top priority. Also, don't doubt yourself for one moment. Being in a profession where many different people look to you to provide them with answers and information, it's easy to feel like you don't know what you're doing or you're doing something wrong. Don't ever forget that you are a creator of knowledge and information, with your own life experiences, thoughts, and ideas. You bring yourself to this profession, and that's invaluable. 

Photo: Cheyenne Riehl

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