Community Design for Health and Wellness

Through Community Design for Health and Wellness, the CDHW-IRG seeks to catalyze community-engaged, interdisciplinary, cross-campus research that creates solutions to the gaps, risks, and opportunities for health and wellness that lie at the intersections

Rivera, Y. M., Vélez, H., Canales, J., Jiménez, J. C., Moreno, L., Torres, J., Vadaparampil, S., Muñoz-Antonia, T., & Quinn, G. P. (2015). When a Common Language Is Not Enough: Transcreating Cancer 101 for Communities in Puerto Rico. Journal of Cancer Education, 1-8. DOI 10.1007/s13187-015-0912-2.

Rivera, Y. M. & Clegg-Smith, K. (2018). Energy Balance-Based Strategies to Reduce Consequences of Prostate Cancer: How to Communicate with Men. In N. A. Berger & E. Platz (Eds.), Energy Balance and Prostate Cancer, Vol. 14 (167-181). New York, NY: Springer.

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