Corman, S. R., Stage, C. W., & Scott, C. R. (1997, May). Communication-related activity systems: An empirical description and computational organization model of activity foci in a grocery store chain. Paper presented to the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada.

Scott, C. R., Garrett, D. M., Timmerman, C. E., & Quinn, L. (1997, May). When the virtual honeymoon is virtually over: Declining benefits associated with repeated usage of a computerized group decision support system. Paper presented to the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada.

Scott, C. R., & Fontenot, J. (1997, November). Multiple identifications during team meetings: A comparison of conventional and computer-mediated interactions. Paper presented to the annual convention of the Speech Communication Association, Chicago, IL.

Scott, C. R., Timmerman, C. E., Quinn, L., & Garrett, D. M. (1997, November). When the virtual honeymoon ends earlier for some than others: User differences and the declining benefits associated with repeated usage of a computerized group decision support system. Paper presented to the annual convention of the Speech Communication Association, Chicago, IL.

Shaw, S. P., & Scott, C. R. (1998, February). The organization as a source of messages in interorganizational relations: Expanding the interorganizational linkages model. Paper presented to the annual convention of the Western States Communication Association, Denver, CO.

Scott, C. R., Quinn, L., Timmerman, C. E., & Garrett, D. (1998, February). Ironic uses of group communication technology: Evidence from meeting transcripts and interviews with group decision support system (GDSS) users. Paper presented to the annual convention of the Western States Communication Association, Denver, CO.

Scott, C. R., Shaw, S. P., Timmerman, C. E., Frank, V., Quinn, L., & Webb, R. (1998, April). Doing communication audits in state government organizations: Successful techniques and key issues. Paper presented to the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, TX.

Scott, C. R., Timmerman, E., Quinn, L, & Garrett, D. M. (1998, November). Trying to make the virtual honeymoon last a little longer: The impact of facilitation on communicative changes associated with repeated usage of a computerized group decision support system. Paper presented to the annual convention of the National Communication Association, New York, NY.

Scott, C. R. (1999, February). Group communication technologies (GCTs) to support organizational teams: A meeting-process model review of recent research findings. Paper presented to the annual convention of the Western States Communication Association, Vancouver, Canada.

Scott, C. R., & Timmerman, C. E. (1999, February). The effects of communication, writing, and technology apprehensions & technology playfulness and innovativeness on the usage of new communication technologies in organizations. Paper presented to the annual convention of the Western States Communication Association, Vancouver, Canada.

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