Displaying 1011 - 1020 of 8502
Kim, Y. (2022). Outbreak news production as a site of tension: Journalists' news-making of global infectious disease. Journalism, 23(1): 171-188.
Kim, Y. (2022). Tracking bodies in question: Telecom companies, mobile data, and surveillance platforms in South Korea's epidemic governance. Information, Communication, and Society, 25(12): 1717-1734.
Kim, Y., Chen, Y. & Liang, F. (2023). Engineering care in pandemic techno-governance: The politics of care in China and South Korea's COVID-19 tracking apps. New Media and Society 25(6): 1432-1450.
Kim, Youngrim (2024). “Data Publics.” In J. Burrell, R. Singh, & P. Davidson (eds.). Keywords of the Datafied State. Data & Society.
Kim, Y., Finn, M., Acker, A., Chaudhuri, B., Wedlake, S., Ellis, R., & Srinivasan, J. (2024). Epistemologies of missing data: COVID dashboard builders the production and maintenance of marginalized COVID data. Big Data & Society, 11(2).
They are working for Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, NJ.com-The Star-Ledger, NBC Entertainment, NBC Universal, and Terracycle. A few of SC&I’s former news writing interns reflect upon the ways their internship is tied to their professional success.
The MHCI program focuses on the communication, information, and media aspects of health-related policies and practices, and Rupa finds herself drawn to research and interpersonal health communication.
Julia Wiacek is a graduate student in SC&I's Master of Health Communication and Information (MHCI) program who identifies as a Jersey girl with strong Polish roots who loves period dramas.