Coan, H. & Mokros, H.B. (2001, November). Blame accounts: A constitutive approach to elaborating a safety culture. Paper presented at the National Communication Association annual meeting, Atlanta, GA. 

Mokros, H.B. (2003, March). Relational security and risk and the mental health of children. Presented at the School of Communication, Information, and Library Studies (SCILS) 6th annual Research Day, New Brunswick, NJ. 

Mokros, H.B. (2003, April). Communication and the future of higher education in the state of New Jersey.  Presented at New Jersey Communication Association annual meeting, Ewing, NJ. 

Mokros, H.B. (2003, April). Communication “work”: Education, practice & professional identity. Panel Organizer and Respondent. New Jersey Communication Association annual meeting, Ewing, NJ. 

Mokros, H.B. (2003, May). International languages and local styles. Panel Respondent. International Communication Association annual meeting, San Diego, CA. 

Mokros, H.B. (2003, August 27th).  Communication as Constitutive: A Vision for Communication Studies at Otago. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. 

Mokros, H.B. (2003, November). Professional master’s level education in communication: Developments in the context of a public research university. Panel Organizer, Participant and Respondent.  National Communication Association annual meeting, Miami, FL. 

Mokros, H.B. (2004, May). Four perspectives on identity. Panel organizer and participant. International Communication Association annual meeting, New Orleans, LA. 

Mokros, H.B. (2005, March). Moderator. School of Communication, Information, and Library Studies (SCILS) 8th annual Research Day, New Brunswick, NJ. 

Mokros, H.B. (2006, May 4th). Disciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity, Multidisciplinarity and Transdisciplinartity.  Emporia State University. 

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