Götz, M., & Lemish, D. (2008). Media and the make believe worlds of boys and girls. TelevIZIon, 21(E), 42-44.

Lemish, D. (2009). Guest editor introduction: The media gendering of war and conflict. Feminist Media Studies, 5(3), 275-280.

Lemish, D. (2009). Convention on Television Broadcasting for Children and Youth: A Case Study of Academic-Professional Collaboration in Israel. Communication Research Trend, 28(3), 31-33.

Lemish, D. (2009). Television as a “safe space” for children: The views of producers around the world. Communication Research Trend, 28(3), 17-21.

Lemish, D.  (2012). Popular screen culture and childhood. Forum, 3, 28-31. Krakwow, Poland: Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow (MOCAK). (in Polish)

Lemish, D, Bansal, N., & Cao, H. (2012). The 33 most discussed finalists of Prix Jeunesse International 2010: Arguments of over 400 experts from 60 countries. Munich, Germany: IZI. 123 pages

Lemish, D. (2014). Audience transformations and social integration: Building bridges and making a real difference in the world – Report of the WG4 dialogue with stakeholders. In G. Patriarche, H. Bilandzic, N. Carpentier, C. PoK.C. Schrøder, & F. Zeller (Eds.), Building bridges: Pathways to a greater societal significance for audience research (pp. 131-136). EU: COST.

Roundtable with Lemish D. (2013). Beyond ‘the west to the rest’: A roundtable on global children’s media flow. Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture, 4(3), 211-220.

Lemish, D. (2015). Dan in the media. Forward. In N. Elias, G. Nimrod, Z. Reik and A. Schejter (Eds.). Communication Passages (pp. 9-11). Mevasert Jerusalem: Zivonim. (in Hebrew).

Lemish, D. (2016). Boys, girls, and their media experiences: The construction of gender identity. TelevIZIon, 29(E), 28-30.  

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