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Lemish, D. (2000).  “If you are not there –you don’t exist”: Advertising as a peeking hole to Israeli Society. In H. Herzog (Ed.), Fifty years: Reflection of a Society (pp. 539-559). Tel Aviv University, Israel: Ramot. (in Hebrew).

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Lemish, D., Liebes, T. and Seidmann, V. (2001). Gendered media meaning and use. In S. Livingstone & M. Bovill (Eds.), Children and their changing media environment (pp. 263-282). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Lemish, D. (2002). Between here and there: Israeli children living cultural globalization. In C.V. Feilitzen & U. Carlsson (Eds.), Children, young people and media globalization (pp. 125-134). Goteborg, Sweden: Goteborg University Press, The UNESCO International Clearinghouse on Children Youth and Media.

Lemish, D. (2003).Glocalizing media education. In B. Tufte, T. Lavender & D. Lemish (Eds.), Media education: Policy and practice (pp. 173-180). Newark, NJ: Hampton Press.

Lemish, D. (2003). Kindergartners’ understandings of television: The early development of television literacy. In B. Tufte, T. Lavender & D. Lemish (Eds.), Media education: Policy and practice (pp. 67-90). Newark, NJ: Hampton Press.

Lemish, D.  (2004). “Fly blue and white”: Patriotism in Israeli advertising. In A. Ben-Amos & D. Bar Tal (Eds.), Patriotism in Israel (pp. 317-337). Tel Aviv, Israel: Hakibutz Ha’meuchad and Dyunon (in Hebrew).

Lemish, D. (2004). Exclusion or marginality? Portrayals of women in the Israeli media. In K. Ross & C. Byerly (Eds.), Women and Media (pp. 39-59). New York, NY Blackwell

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