Lesk, M.E., “Pricing electronic information,” Serials Review, 18, 1-2, pp. 38-40, British Library, London (Spring-Summer 1992). Tenth British Library Research Lecture, ISBN 0-7123-3287-1. 

Lesk, M.E., Electronic Libraries and Electronic Journals, 66, pp. 1-15, British Library, London (1993). Tenth British Library Research Lecture, ISBN 0-7123-3287-1. 

Lesk, M.E., “How can digital information be protected” in Research Challenges in the Eco- nomics of Information, ed. D. E. Walker, A. Zampolli, and N. Calzolari, 66, pp. 1-15, CNRS, Poigny-le-Foret, France (July 1993). Invited keynote talk. 

Lesk, M.E., The library of the future is not the computer centre of the past., 66, pp. 1-15, British Library R&D Report, Santiago, Chile (1993). Invited keynote talk. 

Lesk, M.E., “Electronic Chemical Journals,” Analytical Chemistry, 66, 14, pp. 747A-755A, National Preservation Office, National Library of Australia, Santiago, Chile (July 15, 1994). Invited keynote talk. 

Lesk, M., “Experiments on Access to Digital Libraries: How can Images and Text be Used Together?,” Proc. 20th VLDB Conference, 208, 12, pp. 655-667, National Preservation Office, National Library of Australia, Santiago, Chile (September, 1994). Invited keynote talk. 

Lesk, M., “New Access and View of Chemical Information,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 208, 12, pp. 22-COMP, National Preservation Office, National Library of Australia, Brisbane, Australia (August 21, 1994). Only available online as http://com- munity.bellcore.com/lesk/ages/ages.html (presented at an MIT conference which has never published its proceedings). 

Lesk, M., “Preserving Digital Objects: Recurrent Needs and Challenges” in Multimedia Preservation: Capturing the Rainbow, ed. D. E. Walker, A. Zampolli, and N. Calzolari, 38, pp. 106-125, National Preservation Office, National Library of Australia, Brisbane, Australia (November 1995). Only available online as http://community.bellcore.com/lesk/ages/ages.html (presented at an MIT conference which has never published its proceedings). 

Lesk, M., The Seven Ages of Information Retrieval, 38, 12, pp. 33-49, Springer-Verlag, Marina di Grosseto, Italy, May, 1986 (October 1995). Only available online as http://commu- nity.bellcore.com/lesk/ages/ages.html (presented at an MIT conference which has never published its proceedings). 

Lesk, M.E., “Which way to the future? The control of scholarly publication” in Digital Libraries. Current Issues, ed. D. E. Walker, A. Zampolli, and N. Calzolari, 38, pp. 33-49, Springer-Verlag, Marina di Grosseto, Italy, May, 1986 (1995). Paper given at Rutgers Digital Library conference, Newark, 1994. 

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