Potter, J. & Edwards, D. (2001). Sociolinguistics, cognitivism and discursive psychology. In N. Coupland, S. Sarangi, & C. Candlin (Eds.) Sociolinguistics and Social Theory (pp. 88-103). London: Longman.

Potter, J. (2001). Diskursive psychologie und diskursanalyse. In Keller, R., Hirseland, A., Schneider, W. & Vierhöver, W. (Eds). Handbuch Sozialwissenschaftliche Diskursanalyse: Band I: Theorien und Methoden. Opladen: Leske & Budrich.

Lesk, M., “From Data to Wisdom: Humanities Research and Online Content,” Academic Commons, 5, 2, pp. 85-87, ACM Press, Dallas, TX (2007). See http://www.academiccom- mons.org/commons/essay/michael-lesk. 

Lesk, M., “South Korea’s Way to the Future,” IEEE Security & Privacy, 5, 2, pp. 85-87, ACM Press, Dallas, TX (March-April 2007). Also presented at the Public Record Office, Kew; see their conference on preservation. 

Potter, J. & Edwards, D. (2001). Discursive social psychology. In W. P. Robinson and H. Giles. (Eds). The New Handbook of Language and Social Psychology (pp.103-118). London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Lesk, M., “The New Front Line: Estonia under Cyberassault,” IEEE Security & Privacy, 5, 4, pp. 76-79, ACM Press, Dallas, TX (July-August 2007). Also presented at the Public Record Office, Kew; see their conference on preservation. 

Potter, J. (2001). Wittgenstein and Austin. In M. Wetherell, S.Taylor and S. Yates (Eds) Discourse Theory and Practice (pp. 39-46). London: Sage.

Lewis, L, K. (1990, February). The importation of newcomers: A trigger for organizational sense-making. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Social Networks Conference, San Diego.

Lewis, L. K., Elsenpeter, J., & Seibold, D. R. (1990, October). Intra-organizational adoption of a program innovation. Paper presented to the Organizational Communication Division at the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association, Chicago, IL.

Edwards, D. & Potter, J. (2001). Discursive psychology. In A. W. McHoul & M. Rapley (Eds). How to analyse talk in institutional settings: A casebook of methods (pp.12-24). London: Continuum International.

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