Potter, J. & Puchta, C. (2007). Mind, mousse and moderation. In A. Hepburn and S. Wiggins (Eds). Discursive Research in Practice (pp.104-123). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lewis, L. K. (2009, November). Organizational change: An introduction. Presented on competitive paper panel to the Organizational Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.

Geller, V.J., and Lesk, M.E., “An Online Catalog Offering Menu and Keyword User Interfaces,” Proc. 4th National Online Meeting, 251, 3, pp. 159-166, ACM Press, New York (April 1983). Also presented at the Public Record Office, Kew; see their conference on preservation. 

Lemish, D. (2011). “Can’t talk about sex”: Producers of children’s television around the world speak out. Sex Education Journal, 11(3), 267-278.

Reprinted in:  Attwood, F. & Smith, C. (Eds.) (2014). Investigating young people’s sexual cultures. London, UK: Routledge.

Potter, J. & Hepburn, A. (2007). Chairing democracy: Psychology, time and negotiating the institution. In J.P. McDaniel and K. Tracy (Eds). The prettier doll: Rhetoric, discourse and ordinary democracy (pp.176-204). Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press.

Lemish, D. & Muhlbauer, V. (2012). “Can’t have it all”: Representations of older women in popular culture. Women & Therapy, 35(3-4), 165-180.

Lewis, L. K., Laster, N., Kulkarni, V. (2011, May). Telling ‘em how it will be: Previewing pain of risky change in initial announcements. Presented on competitive paper panel to the Organizational Communication Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA.

Geller, V.J., and Lesk, L.E., “User Interfaces to Information Systems: Choices vs. Commands,” Proc. 6th Int. ACM SIGIR Conference, 251, 3, pp. 130-135, ACM Press, Bethesda, Md. (June 1983). Also presented at the Public Record Office, Kew; see their conference on preservation. 

Dhoest, A., Cola, M., Mauri Brusa, M., & Lemish, D. (2012). Studying ethnic minorities’ media uses: Comparative conceptual and methodological reflections. Communication, Culture & Critique, 5, 372-391.

Wiggins, S. & Potter, J. (2008). Discursive psychology. In Willig, C. & Stainton-Rogers, W. (Eds). The SAGE handbook of qualitative research in psychology (pp. 73-90). London; Sage.

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