Potter, J. (2012). Discourse analysis and discursive psychology. In Cooper, H. (Editor-in-Chief). APA handbook of research methods in psychology: Vol. 2. Quantitative, qualitative, neuropsychological, and biological (pp.119-138). Washington: American Psychological Association Press.

Lesk, M.E., “Going Digital,” Scientific American, 276, 3, pp. 58-60, Morgan Kaufmann, Lon- don (March 1997). Also presented at the Public Record Office, Kew; see their conference on preservation. 

Potter, J. (2012). Discourse analysis. In Becker, S. & Bryman, A. (Eds). Understanding research for social policy and social work: Themes, methods and approaches (pp 343-346). Bristol: The Policy Press.

Entlich, R., Garson, L., Lesk, M., Normore, L., Olsen, J., and Weibel, S., “Making a Digital Library: the Contents of the CORE Project,” ACM Trans. on Inf. Sys., 15, 2, pp. 103-123, Morgan Kaufmann, London (April 1997). Also presented at the Public Record Office, Kew; see their con- ference on preservation.

Fisch, S.M., Lemish, D., Spezia, E., Seigel, D., Fisch, S.R.D., Aladé, F., and Kasdan, D. (2013).  Shalom Sesame: Using media to promote Jewish education and identity. Journal of Jewish Education, 79,297-314

Lesk, M.E., “Size Matters: Web and Book Archiving,” EVA Conference, pp. 39.1-39.10, Morgan Kaufmann, London (2003). Also presented at the Public Record Office, Kew; see their conference on preservation. 

Lemish, D. & Pick-Alony, R. (2014). Inhabiting two worlds: The role of news in the lives of Jewish and Arab children and youth in Israel. The International Communication Gazette, 76(2), 128-151.

Sarcevic, A., and Lesk, M.E., “Searching for emotional content in digital video,” CHI-2006 Workshop "HCI and the Face", pp. 39.1-39.10, Morgan Kaufmann, Montreal, Canada (April 22-27, 2006.). Online at: http://www.bartneck.de/workshop/chi2006/. 

Tirosh-Alon, M. & Lemish, D. (2014). “If I was making the news”: What do children want from news. The gendered nature of news consumption by children and youth. Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, 11(1), 108-129.

4. Lesk, M.E., “Easy 3D: User Opinions,” EVA London Conference, pp. 39.1-39.10, Morgan Kaufmann, Florence, Italy (2007). Note second edition above.

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