Research News

Scholars at the School of Communication and Information take an interdisciplinary approach to research that spans the fields of information science, library studies, communication, journalism and media studies.

“Bathtub Madonnas” Reveal the Dynamics of Urbanization, Modernity, and Italian Migrant Experiences in the U.S.

In newly published research, Associate Professor Regina Marchi shows that homemade yard shrines of the Virgin Mary, which can be seen in many Italian American neighborhoods, represent much more than religious faith to their builders and owners. During the first half of the 20th century, they were “markers of homeownership (The American Dream) and cultural identity,” Marchi said.

David Greenberg Named a 2021-2022 Cullman Fellow

Greenberg has been chosen as one of only 15 academics, independent scholars, creative writers, and visual artists working on book projects to be named a recipient of a Cullman Fellowship from the Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers at the New York Public Library.